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Asking the witch...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Oh I believe they're out there but I also believe they're not out too get you if you're a normal human being and not fuggin with them.... Sorta like hornets.... You don't poke them they won't poke you.....

Correct. Voodoo witches aren't bad people. Actually quite the opposite. It actually parallels Christianity in it's beliefs of being a good person, helping others, etc. So much so that the Pope has even praise the works of VooDoo witches. Sure they're possessed, but they walk the line of taming evil, they keep evil at bay if you will. While Christians pray to the heavenly God, believe in angles, and a persons spirit, voodoo people do too, just the opposite kind of god, angels, and spirits. To say that a voodoo person is silly and make believe is to also say that Christianity is silly and make believe. One doesn't exist without the other. The bible even tells us of the fall of angels, demonic spirits, and the powers of satan. There are good and bad people, and anyone practicing such a religion can use it for good or bad.

Here is a list of 10 things people don't know about voodoo.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Add #11 to the list. WTF cares.

Just saying. Most really don't understand what voodoo is. It always amazes me the people that believe in the god of heaven, but not the god of hell, or the angels of heaven but not the angles of hell. If you believe anything about Christianity you must by default also accept that Voodoo is real. It is impossible to have one belief without the other. The Bible tells us quite clearly about the separation of heaven, the casting out of the Angel Lucifer and his followers, the every day presence of evil, the work of the devil, The existence of demons, The ability of their possession, and the existence of hell.... Someone cannot believe in God, but denounce the existence of satan. The misunderstanding arises when people believe voodoo practicers worship Satan or evil. They don't. They simply try to mitigate it. And if you've ever met one in person I'm sure you wouldn't be so nonchalant about them. I'm not talking your misguided teen goth who says they're a witch. I mean a voodoo priest.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I think she is working up a love potion for you Taylor.lol


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Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
I believe that I can believe in God, aknowledge Satan and demons are real and at the same time say voodoo and witchcraft are bullshit. Aknowledging thier existance and believing people have the ability to control or manipulate them are completely different.

Interesting topic though. Asking for a gris gris sounded way dirtier than it turned out to be lol.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
And you sonsabitches gave me shit…lol.

My mom is scared of them and a full believer. I grew up in Genoa and everyone believed this old lady on the edge of town to be a witch. I could've cared less either way, she had some prime rabbit habitat! So I asked her one day for permission, she granted it to me with the understanding that I had to ask every time and let her know when I left. (lady was super creepy and non of my buddies would even walk up to the door with me) It was a killer spot, we limited EVER time we went and never used a dog. A few years after that a guy got permission to deer hunt it and pushed me out… Not long after that she got busted for growing weed! Lol, just a creepy lady with something to hide I guess.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I believe that I can believe in God, aknowledge Satan and demons are real and at the same time say voodoo and witchcraft are bullshit. Aknowledging thier existance and believing people have the ability to control or manipulate them are completely different.

Interesting topic though. Asking for a gris gris sounded way dirtier than it turned out to be lol.

Do you believe that the Holy Spirit has the ability to answer prayers? That God has the ability to work in mysterious ways, do you believe in the power of prayer. When people pray for health, guidance, strength, the wellness of others that god listens? Do you believe that if you dedicate yourself to The Lord and do his work that he will bless you? Voodoo is no different my friend. It's not about manipulating or controlling them anymore than Christianity is about manipulating or controlling God. Yet all those things I just said are the staples of Christianity. So too are the staples of voodoo. You see, humans were put in this earth as a test of their servitude to God. He sent his son to die for their sins. He wants everyone to be saved and follow him. But at the end of the day that's up to us. We have free will. The devils mission is no different. Even god warns us that he is very active. While god doesn't grant powers or the ability to perform miracles to humans. The same can not be said for satan. Jesus wants you to prove that you are truly worthy of the kingdom of heaven, as such he doesn't metal and relies on his flock to lead others to Christ.. The same can't be said for satan. He and his demons are very busy on this earth and they constantly take an active role. For example. "Lead us not in to temptation" who is tempting you? Jesus. No. The devil. "And deliver us from evil" this implies that evil is very active and even requires a heavenly intervention to be delivered from it. Voodoo people don't manipulate daemons anymore than we manipulate God. That doesn't mean they can't cause or prevent evil. Who tempted eve to eat that apple. It was satan. Remember when Jesus met with the woman who had been possessed for 18 years. Daemons. Remember the crazy man that lived in a cave and Jesus cast out his daemons to the flock of swine. He had a roman legion of demons possessing him. Don't think he wasn't capable of horrendous things. Did hitler have the Holy Spirit, or a different one.


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
I didn't say demons and satan could not manipulate us, I said I don't believe we can manipulate them- or at least in the form of voodoo and witchcraft.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I didn't say demons and satan could not manipulate us, I said I don't believe we can manipulate them- or at least in the form of voodoo and witchcraft.

Don't think about it as manipulation. Look at it more like a prayer request. Christians don't have any manipulation powers over God, yet we still pray, and those prayers usually have requests. The same for Voodoo. The difference is satan and his daemons are far more willing to take an active role, especially if those roles benefit their evil goals.


Senior Member
is she a hot young or middle aged witch, or an old hag with warts on here nose and stuff? would have a direct bearing on how I would proceed. witches need love, too, ya know. lmao