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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Just watching the news last night before bed had me laughing and shaking my head. To hear the shit these politicians spout out making excuses for "their people" acting like fugging animals. From the mayor suggesting the police give the people room to cool off and destroy stuff, to the senate minority leader last night yelling at Geraldo Rivera claiming it's decades of oppression making "her people" do these things. What the fuck is going on?


Tatonka guide.
They want special treatment. In their society circles only having one felony is like normal people getting a jaywalking ticket. Very low standards breed this thought


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
A culture in decline, that's what's going on.

The avoidance of personal and societal responsibility, that's what's going on.

The cops who killed the guy with rough handling, they will not be held responsible....the thugs who ravaged personal and public property will not be held to account. Only the kid whose mom slapped him around on video seems to be gettin' what's comin' to him.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Just watching the news last night before bed had me laughing and shaking my head. To hear the shit these politicians spout out making excuses for "their people" acting like fugging animals. From the mayor suggesting the police give the people room to cool off and destroy stuff, to the senate minority leader last night yelling at Geraldo Rivera claiming it's decades of oppression making "her people" do these things. What the fuck is going on?

Well when are grand parents and parent went thru hard time during the depression they didn't resort to that shit. You your family and your property are no more then dried spit on a dirt road to those people. Protect yourself - maintain situational awareness and be safe out there.

These thug are a sub culture of our society and like other terrorists have a set of beliefs they live by. We are not going to change that by making excues's for them - Marshall law should have been established - if those thug and looters were children - uhm from outer space - dang


Dignitary Member
Staff member
And let's make sure to get the truth out there when they say. "The only thing Freddie did was make eye contact with the cop and run". Well, maybe they chased Freddie because he's been arrested 23 times and is a known drug dealer. And even Chris Rock knows if you make the cops chase you they're bringing an ass whipping with them.



"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I told the wife when seeing the burning and looting was just to shoot every damn one of the looters on the spot. Really simple, if you don't want shot don't burn and loot.
As far as a cooling off area, being shot dead the body cools off right quick I'm told.


Junior Member
Clark county
I told the wife when seeing the burning and looting was just to shoot every damn one of the looters on the spot. Really simple, if you don't want shot don't burn and loot.
As far as a cooling off area, being shot dead the body cools off right quick I'm told.

Agreed X2


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I seen a pic of a wall of black guys standing in front of white cops. This isn't a race battle, it's a piece of shit battle. Color has nothing to do with it! The ones that think it does are the real racist.


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
Paving of the road to marshal law so obimba can declare it!!!!!!!! Suspend the constitution and become king for ever! You heard it here 1st.


I seen a pic of a wall of black guys standing in front of white cops. This isn't a race battle, it's a piece of shit battle. Color has nothing to do with it! The ones that think it does are the real racist.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There were crackers amongst the blacks as well, so if you're looting, you're part of the problem. If you're standing your ground, you're part of the solution. Unfortunately, this shit will continue long after we're dead.


*Supporting Member*
I told the wife when seeing the burning and looting was just to shoot every damn one of the looters on the spot. Really simple, if you don't want shot don't burn and loot.
As far as a cooling off area, being shot dead the body cools off right quick I'm told.


This picture?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
There were crackers amongst the blacks as well, so if you're looting, you're part of the problem. If you're standing your ground, you're part of the solution. Unfortunately, this shit will continue long after we're dead.

There wasn't Monday night when the looting happened. I was watching it all on TV. The only whites present was media. Las night more crackers showed up.


Staff member
I seen a pic of a wall of black guys standing in front of white cops. This isn't a race battle, it's a piece of shit battle. Color has nothing to do with it! The ones that think it does are the real racist.

Agreed. There are pieces of shit in every race. Just seems like certain races have more per capita...