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Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I made my four-wheeler payment this month and accidentally hit "Pay in Full" and overdrafted my account by $2K!!! I don't have the fuggin' money to deal with this right now. Talk about a shitty day. I'm on the phone with them right now seeing if it is too late to stop payment, but it has already posted to my account. DAMNIT!!!! :smiley_boos:


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Yep, too late. They already closed my account since they did away with the Honda Card and were required to close all accounts once they were paid in full. So I basically need to come up with $2,500 out of thin air. And just when we were really building momentum with our savings. Oh, and we are getting raped on taxes this year, so no help there.

Might be selling a four-wheeler when the title shows up FYI...
o snap , that has to suck , but its a good example of why i like to pay for everything with cash in full , cause i did that with my car and thats why i dont have a bank account now but ill be paying mine off with income tax and getting my bank account back so i can do it all over again.....lol

but it does suck though


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I am very fortunate to have a father that has made great financial decisions his whole life or I'd be fucked six ways to Sunday. I'd get it paid off in the next day or two, but it'd put a serious strain on us for a few months. I got the account back in the black and in some ways, it actually works out better for me. I now have one less open account on my credit, and I should have the title to my four-wheeler in the next couple of weeks. There is a remote chance that we will get some money back from taxes, so that will go straight to the debt I now owe to my dad. The irony is, I anticipated paying off my four-wheeler this year anyways and was taking the proper steps to do that. I just didn't mean to do it in this manner!!!


Senior Member
I don't believe in govt bailouts, but it sure is handy to have a financially smart father, that's for sure! My taxes are already filed and a return on the way.

Glad to hear that everything worked out for ya Jesse. I recently spent about 1.5 hours filling out an internship application and had the host server time out...fuggin technology!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That sucks dude. I'm glad it worked out for you in the end. On a bright note, Your dad probably won't charge you the 8 - 9% intrest on the loan :D.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
That sucks dude. I'm glad it worked out for you in the end. On a bright note, Your dad probably won't charge you the 8 - 9% intrest on the loan :D.

Nope. Just 2%! LOL!!!

I also have my car loan through him! :D It's nice because we made our own payoff table and I'm paying more than I would had I went through a bank, but I'll have it paid off in 30 months as opposed to 48-60 had we bank financed it. And it was a powerful negotiating tool that saved us some money. At least in that case, he is the one that offered to help us knowing it would be beneficial. That felt way better than being like: "So dad. Um...." That's a shitty feeling even when you know he can help and is willing to help...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That sucks. I am leery of online payments on anything although I make them online. I have a goal of being debt free in 3-4yrs, although I think the reality is there will always be "some" debt for the business. Owe on something new or just hand money over to the govt? Juggling act. Glad your Dad was there for you. My Dad would be able to cover this, but I could never ask it of him. He is "retired", but not strolling down easy street. You are fortunate to be in your situation.