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Plot question ?

OK I just got permission to hunt a new to me area

600+ acers total , but only 60 or so acers of woods and brush cover

Cost was a bottle of Woodford Reserve ( good Bourbon ) but that mostly a gift to say thanks

My problem , I want to put in 2 small food plots
I plan on putting then on a old lane ( fence is gone , but some posts are still there ) , it is 30 or so feet wide
That old lane is the only area that isn't brushed up or have trees
The ground is hard and packed , so I need to work it up some

But I am limited to getting any tractor in from when the wheat in 1 feild is harvested till about 3 weeks later
As he will be working it up and planting a cover crop ( no driving on any worked feilds ), I can get my ATV in along the edge to spray or mow if needed

So my question is what to plant ?

I don't have a ton of cash .....but the plots will only be 30' x 150' each

So ..... what is a good choice for planting in a low impact area , that will grow without me being able to get a tractor in after about September 1 ?

Are you looking to plant a annual or perennial?

I was thinking a annual to start

As I don't know the land owner other than to say Hello
So I figured I would see how the first season goes and then decide if a perennial is the way to go

As I would be able to acess the spots before spring planting



I would go get 2 bags of some Bio Logic Hot Spot or there Winter Bulb and Sugar Beet mix. I planted both last year and they both came out great. I also Planted Evolved Harvest Winter PZ plus and they love that too. It just all depends, maybe plant some Whitetail Institute Winter Peas and frost seed with the Winter PZ mix since it is oats, clover and Peas. If I did that I would use the W.I Winter Peas and mix a some wheat and clover in with it for cover for spring.


Staff member
There are a lot of good no-til products on the market. I'd evaluate the local food sources and choose one that fits a niche that is not being filled. Something of the tuber variety is always a good choice IMO.

As for preparing the ground. Spray. Wait 10 days and weedeat the area down to the ground. Rake or use a gas powered blower to remove all the junk. Wait 7-10 days and spray anything that is left. Get your lime/fertilizer/seed down just before a rain.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I would do all the prep work Jesse said. If you can run a walk behind tiller over it that would help. I would plant a annual with clover added. Then if you choice to change it next year the clover will help the soil. Forge oats a really worked good for me here and clover is my main crop. I butt up to 110 ac. of horse hay and the deer feed in my clover and forage oats every day.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
A mixture of oats and winter rye grain. Cheap and easy to establish. Throw some clover and brassicas over top if you wanna spice it up a notch like Emeril.
I would do all the prep work Jesse said. If you can run a walk behind tiller over it that would help. I would plant a annual with clover added. Then if you choice to change it next year the clover will help the soil. Forge oats a really worked good for me here and clover is my main crop. I butt up to 110 ac. of horse hay and the deer feed in my clover and forage oats every day.

A tiller will be tough unless I take it in and work up the food plots right after the wheat comes off
Unless I can get up on the pull behine mower mmmmm That might be a good idea

Other wise it is a 3/4 mile walk each way

And I like the rye and oats idea ....I think I can get some clover seed to add to the mix

As the farmer plants corn and beans normaly , with a wheat feild once every few years

Thanks for the ideas



*Supporting Member*
A mixture of oats and winter rye grain. Cheap and easy to establish. Throw some clover and brassicas over top if you wanna spice it up a notch like Emeril.

Yes grains!!! Easy grow and attract deer. Go to coop by some oats, winter wheat and rye grain. You can add some brassicas to the mix fairly easily as well.

If you want to buy bob seed. I like heartland myself.

Stay away from mixes with rye grass.