No one has mentioned the fact that one of these "tents" is a great way to commit suicide. even on private property. My first experience was turkey hunting. I am sitting on the lower side of a single power line calling. It took quite awhile to spot the "tent" housing some 15 year old dim wit dumb a** redhead punk who was trespassing right in the line of fire for a bird walking down the power line. I had no idea for an hour or so that he was tresspassing. This idiot told me he was bringing in his film crew to video record him shooting a triple bearded gobbler hanging around that area. He had ridden his 4 wheeler about two miles to "poach" a bird. As this punk got older, he has poached a number bucks after dark and now is running a phony guide service leasing land.
An even bigger problem is people who want to hide their "orange" during gun season. I think the ODNR should require Orange on all 4 sides, now, during "rifle season". Even if your the only person with permission on the property, you might catch a slug from an adjacent property or even some road hunter.