I'm from the hills and don't hunt flat land, so take this advice for what it's worth. Here's how I'd approach things...
White Star: It appears there may be a creek in this vicinity, along with some oaks. I can see deer crossing the road in this area and deer feeding in/around this area. If the woods are open in that spot, it would make a great south wind spot to slip in to and observe. I'd scout the area for access first, then proximity to oaks, and if possible, a trail leading to/from the road in to the oaks or that overgrown field.
Red Star: Access for this spot is going to suck, don't see much around it. However I like this area for another south wind set as it makes a nice travel corridor from the crops to the west, along the field to the south, to the overgrown field to the east. Most fencelines where I'm from have good mast producers in them, so I'd think things could be similar up there. I'd scout this stand for a nice triple trunked tree about 35 yards off the field edge. Looks for trails paralleling the field edge and make sure to back off them 20 yards or so. Best case scenario, you still have a shot to the field edge.
Yellow Star: IMO this is the best spot on the property and I'd hunt it on a N-NW wind. I'm digging this spot. You should get some traffic crossing from field to field, and you get to be on the inside corner of the overgrown field. This spot resembles my best spot and I see this being a great spot. Access is going to be tough and this could be a stand best accessed a good 1.5 before sunrise, or a couple hours after. I'd save this stand for the pre-rut and rut, and plan on sitting most of the day. I'd be scouting for the best tree to hide me, then I'd figure out how to get in/out of the best I could.