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Live from the stand!

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Out this morning for my first solo sit. Visibility not so great with all the leaves on, but it's a great morning. Just need a miracle for a target to walk through my 20-25 yard shooting lanes. That's not asking much is it?

Thick as heck down here!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Got out this morning. Parked and walked my 1/2 mile to the woods. Just sat down and 5 minutes later I hear yelling coming from up by the road where I parked. I get up walk out to the edge of the field but I can't see my truck or much of the road from where I was. Ended up walking the 1/2 mile back to the truck to find NOBODY. To late to go get settled back in and now sweaty from walking a mile I came back home. Not to mention one of the other guys decided to show up to hunt this morning. Guy kills me hunting down in a bottom that has hills in 3 sides and the wind is blowing right into the hills. With this wind his scent has to be blowing into the hills like a toilet when it's flushed. People amaze me sometimes.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
2 little bucks so far and a doe and fawn, almost got a shot at a coyote. uploadfromtaptalk1443965734244.jpg


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm on plan D.... Now I know why I hate weekends.... Every tom, Dick and Harry.... Riding quads and shooting their AR's..... I've been too two other spots and this ones the quietest one.... Only one person shooting and one riding a quad....

Not giving up yet lol.... There's still a glimmer of hope lol....

Big Weff

Junior Member
2nd sit for the year, don't think il get rained out on this one though. uploadfromtaptalk1443991768525.jpguploadfromtaptalk1443991786819.jpg This is a new spot that I haven't touched or even attempted to scout so we will see what happens
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