Nice. Good timing on your table Jesse. Knowing Brock, I am sure you can hear his voice saying this:
So Brock, I run into this guy. . . yada yada yad. . .
Brock: Ohhhhh, one of "those" guys. Yep. That sucks.
Don't get me wrong, the guy showed me some pics of nice bucks. Running down his sponsor list like a NASCAR race winner wasn't what I was expecting. Dude was probably late 40s or more than likely early 50s. Looked like he could barely walk. Didn't expect to see the conversation turn like it did. I have been fortunate. I am guilty of sharing pics. Deer I killed. Deer I've never seen other than trail cam pics. We have all shared some pics. With this guy. . . I just didn't feel like sharing.