I'm going to disagree with this advice wholeheartedly. If you get the right buck, in the right frame of mind, this type of calling can be effective. Those bucks in that kind of mood are the minority and I'd put you in the minority of hunters who have had that kind of success with aggressive calling. I owned a MAD Growler and it turned every buck I ever called at with it inside out, including mature, dominant bucks. The buck in my avatar was 6.5 years old and wanted nothing to do with aggressive calling. I would save the aggressive calling for a last ditch effort, certainly not make it your primary tactic.
I use a Hunters Specialties True Talker, which IMO, is the best grunt call ever put on the market. I rarely blind call as I do not want a buck I cannot see, pinpointing my position and then picking me off in the tree because I wasn't on my A game. When I see a buck I want to bring in closer, I'll hit him with a single grunt. If he stops, I'll hit him with one more and gauge his reaction. If he comes my way, I'm done calling unless he hangs up. If he walks away or I never got him to stop in the first place, I'll up my volume and intensity. Only in the case of a mature buck hell bent on going away from me, will I growl. IMO, that type of calling comes from watching too much TV. Just because the Drury brothers get away with it, doesn't mean it's the best way to call deer. I've tried it and I think it is best left as the last resort.