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I have used a grunt call for probably the last 20 years of deer hunting. If a mistake can be made with a grunt tube, then i have probably made it. If I am in heavy cover and well hidden in a pine tree or good ground locaation sometimes I may blind call a couple of grunts. I have scared off deer with a grunt tube, called in a lot of curious small bucks and a number of does. I have developed a habit of grunting ocassionally when I am exiting the stand and moving back toward my truck. I may move 50 or 75 yards and then sit down and let a couple of grunts outs, especially if there is heavy cover I know I cant move quietly thru. in 09 as I was heading back to my truck i was moving by a large overgrown cut that was where gravel had been removed 20 years ago. It was full of small trees and honeysuckle bushes. I was above the cut looking down into it. I grunted 2 or 3 times kinda hard and then heard something crashing out of the "bowl" I was looking into. A big doe came running out below me across the cut and then behind it came a very nice large 9 pt. He didnt follow the doe but ran up the side of the cut right at me. He stopped approx 20 ft from me and I let an arrow fly. Scared the heck out of me. All i could see was a big deer charging me...lol. He scored 143 and had bases that were almost 7 inches. From a stand I will not grunt much as i have seen a lot of deer move away and I have been caught by deer running to me when I first grunted but typically they were not monster bucks. I think as said before, moderation is the key and keep in mind that a deer can pinpoint you from sound. Heavy cover around the area and you being well hidden and blacked out as muchas possible will help you. Once you gunt a time or so then immediately get ready and stay still for an extended time period. I really think there is a very limited time in the fall that grunting and rattling works well but it sure isnt all the time. Good luck to all.