Been a while since an update, but I've been pretty frustrated this season so far.... Last night just pit the icing on the cake for me and this season....
I know it might seem too be weird too complain about seeing too many deer but that's my complaint... I don't get why these doe/fawns are traveling in such big groups at this place that is reminiscent of late winter yarding up.... I've seen groups of 6-8 and last night there were 9 all traveling together feeding towards a alfalfa field....
Worst part about the whole scenario is not a buck anywhere too be found....
Yesterday was the first sit in a stand we moved a couple of days ago, morning sit yielded a small 6 point with potential, that was it for a 5 hour sit and was typical as the morning sightings are way less than evening.... Last night got settled in around 3 and just kept my head on a swivel couple groundhogs, squirrels and birds then around 5:30 I see movement too my right in a thicket leading too a finger that extends out into a field too dissect it.... 7 deer 3 mature doe and the rest fawns.... They feed too my right about 30 yards and are heading too a break in the finger that is a tractor path between the two fields.... It would be about a 35 yards if hey come up that path but I wasn't planning on shooting just hoping somewhere in the mix a buck would show....
That's when I heard it.... A foot stomp behind me, up too this point I haven't moved a muscle other than my head following the group in front of me.... Well stamps got more frequent and as you guessed it the snorting started.... But she did blow out just jumped back a few yards and was snorting.... That got the rest of the heard all spy up and than there were deer running all over the field stomping snorting and generally just raising my blood pressure.... This went on for close too 30 freakin minutes.... I was actually too the point of jumping up I my stand and yelling get the hello it's here!!!!
Don't get why these deer are yarded up like this as I've never seen so many together so early in the season....
The stand location is toast (after one sit) and pretty much have too move it as they'll be looking for it every time they come out there which is every night for the most part....
I've been deer hunting for a long time and can't remember a time I've been more frustrated... Don't get me wrong seeing all these deer is a God sent but dealing with them I'm pulling my hair out lol....
I write this I guess too vent too an extent but also looking for opinions on the large group running together like that.... 18 sets of eyes in a small space is pretty hard too overcome.... The stand has decent coverage and doesn't stand out like many I've seen, and am thinking about moving it 30 yards back into the woods as its 10 yards in off of the tree line..... Would you think that would be enough movement too alleviate what damage was done????