There's a tough one to call!I'm not sure whom I don't like more , Spook or Chris Brackett
There's a tough one to call!I'm not sure whom I don't like more , Spook or Chris Brackett
Couldn't care less about any of those TV personalities killing huge bucks, and I mean any of them. Antlers don't mean a thing to me if the hunter doesn't have a soul. I'd much rather read a story of a kids first deer or a hard earned deer killed by a humble hunter.
Couldn't care less about any of those TV personalities killing huge bucks, and I mean any of them. Antlers don't mean a thing to me if the hunter doesn't have a soul. I'd much rather read a story of a kids first deer or a hard earned deer killed by a humble hunter.
I could care less about video footage. Hunting wasn't meant to be a spectator sport. Between you and the animal. That's why all this has gotten to the way it is today
So why did you post a video that is whitetail hunting in Kansas?I don't really care either BUT I do love seeing qaulity footage of big bucks from our great state. It's funny how many times I've seen footage or a picture and just know, from looking at the trees and foilage, that it is an Ohio deer. But I hate the attention that it brings and this will generate a lot.....because of his past violations.
Apparently a bloody tail to the face! lmao
I could care less about video footage. Hunting wasn't meant to be a spectator sport. Between you and the animal. That's why all this has gotten to the way it is today
I'm not sure whom I don't like more , Spook or Chris Brackett
Yeah, I'll claim that little dumbass.
J, as you know, that camo wasn't free!
Know all too well there buddy lol....
Got too much of that laying around, even have a bunch of the DCU's as well....
I'll take it all, if you ever want to part with it. My kids love using it to dress up or make forts. It also works well to take them hunting in.
One of the outings I'll bring some with me...