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little nutchucker


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
while I was out pulling i trail cams today, I had a minute to fling some lead at this big ole tree rat. freehand shot. bout 45 - 50 yards. hit him a little back but he didnt move after.



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
that shot on the hind end made him even harder to skin than normal, and thats no treat anyway.

The wife just called from her adventures today and said I can have the entire day off tomorrow :D. NOT a great evening let me just tell ya lol. I might just go shoot something tomorrow LMAO. Too bad you can only shoot 4 of those suckers in a day :(.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The wife just called from her adventures today and said I can have the entire day off tomorrow :D. NOT a great evening let me just tell ya lol. I might just go shoot something tomorrow LMAO. Too bad you can only shoot 4 of those suckers in a day :(.

Dude. You can shoot 6. :) Have fun...


Senior Member
Nice treerat Dante. That 597 shoots good, doesn't it? Did you put that sling on? Mine is tapped but doesn't have the swivels on it and I need to do that at some point...

What ammo do you shoot out of yours? I have had bad luck with thunderbolts, better luck with winchesters, but when the Federal truck comes to the Den, that's when I stock up, my gun shoots those well. I had some of the Vipers or whatever remington little hollow points but I shot them all up and they would whack a squirrel good, I switched to the heavy copper federals ones and they disappointed me when I was pissing off groundhogs. I also see that you've got your 10 round clip in there? When I bought the gun I read quite a bit about people having problems with theirs, and sure enough mine has been a piece of junk. Bought that banana clip and haven't looked back. I have thought about buying another 10 round clip but can't justify it when there is a 30 round clip for twice the price hanging next to it...

Since I'm rambling about the 597's...have you ever had any problems with yours? I had mine for a year and didn't shoot it much (not sure why?) and it was dead nuts...but then started to go crazy and I couldn't hit a brick wall, jamming like crazy and misfiring. Sent it back to Remington and they cleaned and tweaked it (don't remember exactly what) and since then it was been a go-to. During the summer it's always behind the seat of my truck and it's quarters at 25, half-dollars at 50, and (as Jack would say) Skoal cans at 100. Love it.



*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
yeah i put the sling on it.
I use the CCI velociters I have been impressed with any .22 rounds that CCI makes and I've got a few boxes of the mini mags and stingers around but as far as the 597, it seems to like the velociters the best. I get those "half dollars" at 50 but havent really tried at 100. I think the mini mags would be a better round for that distance.
I have a 30 round clip I use at the range but when I'm in the woods I prefer the 10 round cause it dosent get in the way. just a personal preference.
as far as jamming goes,the only time I've had that problem is when I was shooting the thunderbolts, seemed like every 15 or 20 rounds one would chamber wrong, even more so when its cold out.
The 597 is a solid gun in my opinion, as a matter of fact, if my daughter can shoot, skin, and gut a squrrel by herself this year, she is going to get a pink camo 597.


Junior Member
Yea the thunderbolts seem to jam alot easier went t WV with Magnum and, his pistol was having problems with them also. I like the Federals for bulk shooting but, love the stingers thier a little harder to come by so when I find them I usually buy as many boxes as they let me or, have the $$ for.


Senior Member
What kind of sling kit did you get? I really need to do that to mine. I do get what you mean about the 10 round being out of the way but the 30 round makes you look like a badass and when you run into yoders the look on their face is priceless.