Read through most of these posts and I'm concerned as to the hate that a lot of you seem to express for the people that help watch over our beloved sports, environments, hobbies whatever. I work for the state, Iam a parole officer in Adams county. The only parole officer in Adams. I've got a caseload generally around 90 people and Iam always balls to wall, pedal to the floor busy. Benefits and pay were nice when I was a corrections officer working straight 40 and doing not much at all, now....haha I'm a sucker. There is one gw per county in Ohio. They receive all the calls about everything and can only rely from what I've heard on dnr investigators to assist, and I not think their are many of those. I couldn't fathom the calls they receive from deer season alone. Tresspassers, poachers, random lights, and hearsay. "Hi my name is Joe and I want to blah blah blah for minutes and call me back" no number left. People call me often and what is big to them ain't jack to me in parole. Sorry, don't have time to call back, I've got MIA sex offenders to find and that guy driving under suspension can be for later. But I guess if I can't do the job than quit or they should hire someone else! I've got a good relationship with my local gw's, I hunt in Ross and pike and recently met Cartwright in Adams. When you see them, introduce yourself state your name shake their a bit with them if they have time that way if you call, they remember you. Get the facts before you call. Pictures, video, plate numbers, names, etc. If it illegal activity going on that generally wouldn't involve a gw like drugs, contact the sheriff, they can patrol parks. there are better game wardens than others just like there are for cops, teachers, priests, hunters, fishers, and parole officers. If your looking to make a change stop complaining and see what you can do to help, or go to ohiomeansjobs and apply.
I'm sure there are game wardens on here and other dnr personnel reading this thread, there are definitely things that I don't understand and wish would change, but I'm sure game wardens have very little with making those decisions and mainly enforcing them. Thank you from myself and numerous others for the job you do. Be safe and you can check me and search my car anytime.