TOOVILLE, this whole thing has been very stressful for both of us. She doesn't know what she did wrong and feels bad that the deer is hurt and in pain. She wanted to find this deer, get pictures taken with this deer,mount this deer so she can admire this deer up on the wall next to her daddy's and most importantly share the delicious meat with her family.
I of course wanted the same things but seeing her go through this is difficult in itself! I feel horrible that during the heat of the moment that I didn't at least do my part and record this awesome moment in it's entirety. I guess it happened so fast and I was more concerned with turning him back towards us for a shot with the grunt tube that my mind wasn't totally fixed on if I was recording it or not... FUGG!!!! It's torturing me as I type this still !!!!!!!!
I did get the I the reaction of both of us seconds after the shot because I checked the cam as I went from the impact scene and him running off right to her and THAT 'S when I realized it that I FUGGED up!
This happening on the eve of youth season filling up the woods around us even more during the searching the next day didn't help either. Where we lost blood after about 450-500 yards it just got too difficult to locate any more. The last 75-80 yards was getting tougher to see and find as well. It appeared that the blood was coagulating around the bolt shaft and he had yet to lay down. Him not pulling the bolt out didn't help but it still doesn't explain to either of us why the apparent good shot placement didn't kill this deer like it should.
We both hope the deer is still alive and heals up to become another ethical hunters proud moment or gives either of us another shot but if he does die I sure hope the finder has the compassion to contact us so Karissa can at least have the rack to go with her memory of this special day for the both of us.
I'll let you know if anything develops in the future...
Sorry to hear brother. You two are so very deserving of this buck. Makes me sick. I know you will keep at it though and good things will come around for you.
You know, as frustrating as it is and as shitty it is to not find one, I think the spark was ignited in her. Although, as we talked about, she hasn't gotten closure yet, she still got to experience that feeling that comes over you when you have that encounter and connect. That will keep her coming back for more. Gotta love her spirit!