I didn't really post much of a story so I'll fill you guys in. I watched the buckeyes game at my buddies, went outside after the game was over and it just felt good outside, rain was over and it was nice and chilly. I hauled ass out to the farm with the scent smoker blowing out hickory on the floorboard of the truck. Did a quick smoke up when I got there at 3:50. Since I arrived so late I decided against hunting any of my stands in the woods and elected to sit on the edge of the alfalfa field and had the wind at my face. I only had one shooting lane in this spot I got in and at 4:40 a doe popped out of the woods and started grazing. She slowly made her way towards me and when I knew she was going to enter my shooting lane I drew my bow. As I came to full draw and she was in my shooting lane at 20 yards broadside she looked at me, I released the arrow and she hauled ass. I stood up and watched her go about 60 yards before going head over heals in the field. I must say, it was quite a rush doing it from the ground!