There is a case very similar to this one in my county, except the deer is in the 180 class. The game warden won't pursue it any more because he says he didn't see it happen. There are 2 eyewitnesses and 2 other people that witnessed part of the road shooting, yet our game warden claims he has done all that he can.....I say BS! The deer was shot from the roadway out of a truck, the shooter left the scene and his buddies finished off the deer and transported it to another location untagged.....not to mention the fact that none of these guys had permission either. The game warden knows all of this information and yet is unable to make the connection and write any tickets. Several calls to his supervisors from different people have resulted in zero, zilch, nada in results.
This is one more reason I have little faith in the Ohio DNR in my area. The game warden here talks down to you like you are stupid.
Congratulations to the officers in Logan county for following up on a tip and doing their job that they are paid to do....