From ODNR 2014-2015 summary
As in years past, the vast majority of successful hunters (76%) harvested only a single deer in the 2014-15 season. This year, 18.5% of successful hunters bagged two deer, 4% harvested three, and only 1% took four or more deer (Figure 9). Again, to emphasize the limited influence of a large statewide bag limit, less than 1% of successful hunters harvested five or more deer in any given year, and specifically in 2014, only 351 of the 228,530 permit buyers (0.1%) tagged five or more deer.
Figure 10 shows how the number of deer harvested per successful hunter has changed over time. In 2006, prior to the introduction of the antlerless permit, only 16% of multiple-harvest hunters bagged more than two deer. By 2011, with the availability of $15 antlerless permits, almost 30% of those hunters taking multiple deer harvested at least three. As deer populations have been reduced closer to goal and restrictions placed on the use of the antlerless permit, the number of hunters taking three or more deer has declined each of the past three seasons. This year, of hunters harvesting multiple deer, 22% harvested three or more (Figure 10).