But I was gun hunting out of tree stands 30 yrs before I started bow hunting.
That's not what he meant. Every swinging dick is a bowhunter now. When you were gun hunting from stands 30 years ago, there was 4 bowhunters in your whole county. Now there's 4,000 and everyone of them has 4 stands. It's next to impossible to go anywhere now and find ground that isn't hunted by a Bone Collector wannabe.
IMO part (a small one) of why the gun numbers suffer is the heavy pressure put on deer in November by bowhunters. Twenty years ago, deer were hardly pestered prior to gun season. Combine that with higher numbers, less opportunity, and it made for a stellar gun season. Now it's a madhouse in November. In Washington County, I am now seeing more NR license plates the second week of November than I do during gun season. I'm not going to single out a particular state/weapon/method of hunting, but there's one version that has to make up a statistically significant portion of the bow kills in this county. I think a lot of those guys used to gun hunt, now they come here to bowhunt. A lot of them are done hunting before gun season even rolls around; another contributor to lower gun season numbers.