From ODNR 2014 2015 season summary
Non-resident hunters accounted for 11% of the deer per-
mits issued and 8% and 12% of the total and buck harvests,
respectively, in the 2014-15 season. Eighteen percent of the
non-resident harvest (2,659 deer) was taken on public land, which is more than twice the rate of the resident public land harvest (8%). The non-resident harvest was 56% antlered. By comparison, the resident harvest was only 36% antlered. The top 5 non-resident states (total harvest) were Pennsyl- vania (2,652), Michigan (1,504), West Virginia (1,285), North Carolina (971), and Florida (941). Among the states taking at least 100 deer, those harvesting the most bucks as a per- centage of their total harvest were New Jersey (75%), Mary- land (73%), West Virginia (67%), Michigan (66%), and New York (64%). Non-residents that were most likely to harvest an antlerless deer were from Canada (70%), Indiana (60%), New Hampshire (58%), Maine (58%), and Florida (58%). The counties with the largest proportion of their harvests attrib- utable to non-residents were Adams (19.9%), Athens (19.2%), Pike (19.1%), Morgan (18.5%), and Meigs (17.5%). Putnam
(0.4%), Lake (0.8%), Miami (1.2%), Summit (1.3%), and San-
dusky (1.4%) had the lowest non-resident harvests.
More than half (62%) of the non-resident harvest occurred
during archery season, with the gun and muzzleloader sea- sons accounting for an additional 28% and 9%, respective- ly. Non-residents took a larger percentage of their harvest during archery season than either residents or landowners. Seventy percent of the antlered and 53% of the antlerless deer harvested by non-residents was taken during archery season