Put a 200 inch deer in front of 100 guys....I bet your ass 70 percent of them would fugg up the shot just because of the wow factor of the presence of the animal alone. I know a local guy that hunts by me...very well known target archer that has shelves and walls full of plaques and trophies from bow shoots...who can hit the 10 ring with his eyes closed on a target...who totally fuggs up when a buck comes within range...same guy just missed a 150 class 2 weeks ago with his bow from 25 yards. Not everyone is cut out for killing any animal consistently, let alone good bucks.
I can think of many reasons that guys that should kill good deer, dont. Here are a few reasons....
1) They hunt the wrong wind.
2) They use the wrong access into and out of stands.
3) Their scent control sucks.
4) They park their vehicle in the wrong place or drive too far into their stands because they are just plain lazy.
5) They don't hunt the right times or hunt during rough weather...fair weather hunters.
6) They move too much while in the stand.
7) They make little noises that they don't feel bother the deer.
8) They call too much.
9) They leave the stand too early in the evening and arrive in the stand too late in the morning.
10) They get discouraged because of lack of sightings.
11) They get down out of their treestands at 9 am on a Saturday morning because they haven't seen anything yet.
12) They only hunt the first and last 2 hours of the day during the pre rut and rut.
13) They hunt the wrong property at the wrong time.
14) They hunt over corn piles and educate deer when walking into and out of treestand.
15) They don't practice enough with their weapon.
16) They are more worried about what their neighbors are doing than what they are doing.
17) They go in and check cameras every other day.
18) They hunt in the wrong location on the property.
19) They scout bedding areas during the season and blow deer out of their hideouts.
20) They don't trim shooting lanes.
I can come up with lots of other reasons why guys aren't successful as they would like to be. I have found out that it can be something as simple as where you park your truck as to whether you may be killing a good buck or going home empty handed. Don't overlook the obvious things.
I can think of many reasons that guys that should kill good deer, dont. Here are a few reasons....
1) They hunt the wrong wind.
2) They use the wrong access into and out of stands.
3) Their scent control sucks.
4) They park their vehicle in the wrong place or drive too far into their stands because they are just plain lazy.
5) They don't hunt the right times or hunt during rough weather...fair weather hunters.
6) They move too much while in the stand.
7) They make little noises that they don't feel bother the deer.
8) They call too much.
9) They leave the stand too early in the evening and arrive in the stand too late in the morning.
10) They get discouraged because of lack of sightings.
11) They get down out of their treestands at 9 am on a Saturday morning because they haven't seen anything yet.
12) They only hunt the first and last 2 hours of the day during the pre rut and rut.
13) They hunt the wrong property at the wrong time.
14) They hunt over corn piles and educate deer when walking into and out of treestand.
15) They don't practice enough with their weapon.
16) They are more worried about what their neighbors are doing than what they are doing.
17) They go in and check cameras every other day.
18) They hunt in the wrong location on the property.
19) They scout bedding areas during the season and blow deer out of their hideouts.
20) They don't trim shooting lanes.
I can come up with lots of other reasons why guys aren't successful as they would like to be. I have found out that it can be something as simple as where you park your truck as to whether you may be killing a good buck or going home empty handed. Don't overlook the obvious things.