Have a state certified arborist come in and walk the woods, he'll look at it from the health of it point not so much the money.... He would also mark the trees he would suggest too remove for the health of the woods.... Being in a reputable company too remove the trees that are marked...
Cut the popular. Last I talked to a certified forester (November), popular was bringing good money. Other than being great trees for climbers, they offer very little to wildlife. IMO, cutting a popular stand down and letting it thicken up is a great move.
I can send you some info. Not sure if he's making trips to Ohio or not, but it's worth a call.
This may bring some fire but do not attempt the cutting without the over sight of a certified forester. Their small fee will come back several times in value of by it being done correctly.
I believe the gunclub contacted the ODOW for a referral.
Cut the popular. Last I talked to a certified forester (November), popular was bringing good money. Other than being great trees for climbers, they offer very little to wildlife. IMO, cutting a popular stand down and letting it thicken up is a great move.
We used a guy that was like a broker and he was awesome. Had the same fears as you and he actually contacted and bid to multiple guys for the best price because he gets a cut. If I can find his name I will forward. Che even made sure they didn't tear up trails and made sure things were good before the loggers left. I also liked that he calculated the board footage so no B S lying from the cutters