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P&Y FINALLY acknowledges GROSS score!!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have always said just tell me what the gross score is.
Could care less about net score.
Have seen alot of great deer get knocked out of the books once they tally up the deductions.
They can keep their record books i will save my money.
And yes it is all about the money.
Same reason the p@y gave in to the high let off bows after yrs of refusing to recognize them,they were losing too much money.
But you will still get an notation beside your score just to remind people it was taken with a high letoff bow.bs


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Even worse than the gross / net controversy is scoring bucks as "irregular" to knock them from the records. 1995 the Tony Fulton buck shot in Mississippi had 48 points of which they considered 40 of them irregular that added up to 160 inches. The buck scored 321 7/8 inches a full three inches bigger then the world record hole in the horn buck. Boone and crocket scored it 295 disallowing the "irregular" points.

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I have a buddy that shot a 204" 19pt about 10 years ago. It netted in the 190's. But the deer has 2 extra smaller pedicles with a few points growing off the skull, so they discount it as irregular and said it wouldnt make books or some bullshit


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I have a buddy that shot a 204" 19pt about 10 years ago. It netted in the 190's. But the deer has 2 extra smaller pedicles with a few points growing off the skull, so they discount it as irregular and said it wouldnt make books or some bullshit

Yep. They have disqualified a lot of record holding deer rom the books by claiming they are "irregular". The way I see it is they are either typical or nontypical. It blows my mind they would DQ your buddies buck but let that ugly ass Beatty buck in.


*Supporting Member*
So , they aren't using gross score tho right ? Just acknowledging the gross score on the sheet ? Am I missing something ?


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I hate scoring and this thread is a perfect example why. Hunting should be about you and your family/friends. Not money or record books!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I hate scoring and this thread is a perfect example why. Hunting should be about you and your family/friends. Not money or record books!
Ain't nothing wrong with having a deer recognized in a book, it's just sad what has become of the whole thing though. Gross is the only number that should matter.
I hate scoring and this thread is a perfect example why. Hunting should be about you and your family/friends. Not money or record books!

I agree Dave!! I'll never have a buck 'officially scored' as I don't care to have it in any record book. About the only thing a score does for me is give perspective of how big a buck really is in a discussion.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I agree Dave!! I'll never have a buck 'officially scored' as I don't care to have it in any record book. About the only thing a score does for me is give perspective of how big a buck really is in a discussion.

Exactly my point, who care what that book says is right or wrong. As long as you know, that's what matters.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So , they aren't using gross score tho right ? Just acknowledging the gross score on the sheet ? Am I missing something ?
That's how I took it.

I appreciate them all. Big and gnarly. Heavy, tight and symmetrical. Doesn't matter. I must admit though, there is something special about a high scoring symmetrical deer. It is impressive in its own way. You see a 180-200" 8-10-12 point deer with few deductions is impressive. That big and that symmetrical is cool. That said, I appreciate them all. It is like trying to choose between women. Some redhead, some blonde, some toned and long legged, some short . . . .I appreciate them all.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Yes, the scoring system was flawed from the beginning! Deducting inches from longer tines,extra tines or from larger sides to conform to the smaller side would be as ridiculous as adding inches to the smaller side to conform to the larger side! LOL


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Yes, the scoring system was flawed from the beginning! Deducting inches from longer tines,extra tines or from larger sides to conform to the smaller side would be as ridiculous as adding inches to the smaller side to conform to the larger side! LOL
Lol...that's about the same difference! Good point bro!


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I've got a half dozen qualifiers, but only entered my first one back in the early 80's. I once thought it was important to me, but it's more about my experience than making the book.