While in my lab over the past winter I came up with a formula for a well known fungus....
I am awaiting the patent and then will be marketing it... So be the first in Ohio to grow these year round.
It's a shame that the outdoor industry has turned into such a BIG BUSINESS... Laughing all the way to the bank while promoting any combination of products from machines that eliminate your scent to who knows what. Do any of these truly work??? Maybe.. I'm old fashioned and still hunt with WW2 camo if its the only set that is clean. And they are not stored in some magical scent container. After all I'm out to enjoy Mother Nature, not to change how she work's. I'll stick to good old woodsmanship.
Do companies mis-lead the average sportsman of Ohio... NAH... They are as honest as today's politicians..
Couple years back my brother and I were hunting in Iowa and he harvests a very nice buck.. So happens that where we were staying, a film crew for a very large camo company is also staying while in Iowa filming a hunt. So upon seeing my brothers buck they give him a nice brand new camo outfit and ask to do a film shoot and do an interview of his hunt. So fast forward... Jackalope is sitting on his sofa one sunday watching a Brown's game and on comes a commercial from this camo company with a pic of my brother wearing their camo with his deer. Wow look at that deer he says... I have to go out and buy that camo... It's going to help me win the TOO big buck contest... How many times does this happen???
Ok.. Let me go fry up some of those morels with eggs and bacon... LOL