On 11/14/15 I finally met a big goal of mine,I killed my Biggest buck with any type of weapon. I went into a new area I've never been to that morning and set up in the dark based on maps I've looked at. I ended up shooting a doe around 8am at 18 yards with a heart shot! She made it only 45 yards from my tree before going down. I took care of her and moved my stand mid day and climbed back up, I hunted from daylight to dark and packed food in. I didn't see anything until a half hour till dark when I saw a big 10pt! I took a shot but hit a tree and was not happy at all. He walked off and I was just ready to take my stand down and get out of there. I heard deer down in a bottom to my left so I decided I better stay in stand till dark since I only had about 15 minutes left. Right before dark I heard the crunching of leaves again but they were getting closer! Finally I could see a buck behind me walking at 40 yards so I looked at him through my binos and instantly knew I was shooting if I got the chance.*
I came to anchor and grunted to stop him but he was on a mission and kept walking so I grunted louder. He stopped and I burned a hole in him and all of a sudden I saw my lighted nock on the way. It sounded like I hit a big pumpkin and he took off. I shot this buck at 37 yards and knew i got a complete pass through because of my lighted nock. Hit the front of the liver were all the arteries go into it. He went 30 yards from were I shot him and bedded down immediately, got up and bedded down again. I watched him till I couldn't see his rack anymore and he got up one more time and bedded again in that short amount of time. I slipped out as quietly as I could without checking my arrow because he was within 30 yards of it! I went back in the next morning and he never left the last spot!!!! My goal was a 3 year old or older with my recurve for a while now and I can finally say I did it!