Thank you for the information! I am working on getting a list together of what I have, but it may take a day or two. I have researched many of the calls I have, and I am satisfied with the price I came up with for those. The Tom Turpin yelper was a difficult one because pricing was all over the board on it. I didn't know if there was something particular about one that would make it more valuable than another, or not. And, whether or not the one I had was of that particular style. There are also several calls that look very nice, but have no markings on them at all. I am not sure what to do with those.
As far as guns go, I have found an auctioneer already for the sale of those, and it is not Kiko. There honestly won't be 12 badly rusted pcs of junk - I think I would have been upset if I took the time to go to an auction advertising 30 guns and that was what I found. This auctioneer does not have expertise in the calls,
though. I know the owner of these took great pride in his collection, which took many years to amass, and I would like to continue that care of the collection.
HicksLawns - what types of items are of interest to you?
Thanks again....