You can't kill enough coyotes! They're worse than any groundhog population, any where, any time. Do coyotes impact the deer populations? Hell yes!!!
I have landowners that I hunt on their properties, that have trail cameras by coyote dens and have counted any where from 4 to 9 fawns being brought back to feed the pups...on two separate dens, just last year. This kind of killing will ruin a deer population, in short order!
I stopped shooting does, 3 years ago and I don't think it was soon enough. Last fall, I seen 2 does during the entire season. In years past, it was not uncommon to see 5 to 8 does per week.
Some guys will stop hunting coyotes during the spring months to give the pups a chance to get weaned from their mothers. Not me! :smiley_armscrossed: I'll kill them 24/7 and show them the same mercy they show the fawns...NONE! I want them off of the planet. :smiley_arrogant:
Sounds like you have some locals going to work on them Giles. That is a big plus.
He did the classic move where they try to bite the spot where they got hit. It was fuggin awesome. Had more yotes fire up around 8:30 after we moved to the top field, couldn't get them to come in though.It's dead, the buzzards will get it....
I don't care if it's wounded either, but he sure did struggle to get out of the field. Here's a pic of our setup, I first saw him in the top left corner of the field, you can see my hen decoy out in front of us.17hmr is a great round. Might be a little light for a yote unless it was a perfect hit. They are tough critters. Given the carnage they deliver to so many other animals, I don't care if you only injured it. It was given a taste of its own medicine. Hopefully it died though. If so, you saved many other animals.
Holy fugg Dave, take your ass out at 7pm and call til 9. You can get thirsty after that!Wheat harvest is about done here. I heard they were just getting started up your way. I plan to do a little field sitting this weekend. We will see what happens though...probably get thirsty and forget all about it.