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BigSlam and Jesse's Ozark Adventure - The Lost Chronicles


Staff member
We're looking a that whole area, but Current Rover provides beautiful camping and good access to a lot of different spots. Might not be the best hunting, but it'll be a good base camp.
So does the current river have designated camping along the river? I couldn't find any specific camp sites online. Also any additional info you guy have or get would be appreciated. I'm hoping to go end of Oct first of Nov. but I'm in the early stages.



Senior Member
Well I bit the bullet and bought Onx hunt maps for Missouri;) Next purchase is tags[emoji38]

i love onx man, i'm sure you'll become addicted. I spend maybe 10% of my work day on it lol

You get the gps chip or the computer version with the package to download it to your gps?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
No I just bought the $30 subscription for my phone, couldn't justify spending $100 for the computer version, already spent money on the GPS. Probably didn't even need to buy the GPS since I can save map tile on Onx and use it to find my way. I've had Onx for Ohio going on 3 years now and I love it!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I called the current river CA today. Some lady answered the phone, I asked her if all the trails that run through the CA off the county roads are accessible by vehicle and she said most are, and a couple have gates. She couldn't tell me where the gated ones were at. I guess they got alot of rain now and it wouldn't be advisable to take a low profile car down them lol. Also asked if the hunting was good, she said "I think so", so I'll have to call back and speak with a male.