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2016 Summer Gathering - Mingo Sportsman Club - July 22-24


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
What he said... lol

I think the afternoon at this point. If you get there first, 1-set up your camp.2- open up the building and 3- walk over to the cemetery across the road and give it a good look-over for any Creepy Shit. IF creepy shit is noted, disregard steps 1 and 2. Stay in your vehicle and wait for Mike to arrive and do "his thing" so we can all have a safe weekend.

Guess none of the new guys herd anything about the cemetery.
Just as well.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
We hunted up to it for the bunny hunts but never through.
Mike got all spooky and started mumbling things.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I was thinking 215-225lbs. Sounds like my memory is right.

I believe my YAMAHA 450 Kodiak is in the 550-650 range. I'd imagine Chad's is a bit more with bigger displacement.

Stop it Fluteman. You're just jealous nobody can see your ass jiggling while you are in the SxS. Lol
Shoot, nobody wants to see you shaking your bony ass either!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Those of you who came on Thursday last year may remember, I need a full chicken so I can say the words. Otherwise it's gonna be a shaky 3 days. That Cemetary has some serious history. And it's like, what... 50 yards across the road from the campsite?