Funny from the guy that went to the dentist and got his tooth cleaned today.
Besides J needs the blue pills cause he is
Besides J needs the blue pills cause he is
Plan on shitting in the 80 degree shaded woods
Funny from the guy that went to the dentist and got his tooth cleaned today.
Besides J needs the blue pills cause he is
You don't go to the dentist to get your dentures cleaned?Funny from the guy that went to the dentist and got his tooth cleaned today.
Besides J needs the blue pills cause he is
Why would you think that??? Age is just a number buddy.... If in doubt wake me up in the morning and I'll show you.... lmao
Are we allowed swimming in the pool to cool off? Can't remember if it was off limits or not
CoolI can't see it being a problem as long as we don't jump is all covered in mud and dust after riding.
I'm thinking about bringing my 55 gallon barrel with water in it, it has a spigot and about 10 foot of garden hose on it. Water is gravity fed out of it. Would that be useful?
Yep, I usually haul it out to our land strapped in the bed of the ranger on the trailer. This fucker is heavy when it's full so I might just put it in the truck bed. Who said they might bring a 200 gallon tank?Couldn't hurt... You got room?
Yep, I usually haul it out to our land strapped in the bed of the ranger on the trailer. This fucker is heavy when it's full so I might just put it in the truck bed. Who said they might bring a 200 gallon tank?
Ok that would be awesomeThere's a hose at the clubhouse by the deer freezer. I'll be up there tomorrow morning mowing and weed whacking our site. I'll ask if we can use it to fill that sucker up.
I can't see it being a problem as long as we don't jump is all covered in mud and dust after riding.
LolOK... Am I the only one here where THIS is the first thing that came to my mind!???