Here's what I was thinking since we have a few coming in Saturday morning and I'm sure they wanna be involved in the group shooting...
Thursday - chill, cruise around on quads, or whatever
Friday - group ride and open shooting at the ranges
Saturday - group bow shoot in the AM and group clay shooting in the PM.
Any disagreements?
Of course, everyone is free to do what they want and we don't need a set schedule. Just figured the group stuff for shooting should wait until Saturday so everyone can participate.
The archery range and rifle ranges will be open anytime for guys who wanna go piss around. Lakes are open for fishing too. Best ones are off the beaten path and I heard the little one right by the campsite is decent. Never tried it yet because it's surrounded by high weeds and brush, but some of you guys may wanna try it.
Im good with that. I know Chad and I want to get as much riding in as possible. But Im good with whatever. As long as Im hydrated, Im good to go.