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What's good TOO?


*Supporting Member*
Baked ham, mashed taters, corn, and honey biscuits for dinner today. It was awesome! Starting to shake this cold finally, it has hit me harder than most. I think it's due to the shit I'm around at work.

Just got off the phone with Riverdude, and we will be steelhead fishing in a few days. Looking forward to hooking up with Jeff and some fish!

Life is pretty good right now.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I had a great day! I hadn't been in the woods since my last stroll out on the finally Sunday of archery until this morning. Last Monday we celebrated my son Landon's first birthday and I have learned over the past year how my passions, hobbies and obsessions are impacted by fatherhood. It is all in a good way.

But this morning I had an opportunity to take my lab Ruger who turned 2 this past Thursday for a few hour shed hunting, turkey and deer scouting journey. We had a blast though we didn't find any sheds. Saw some turkey tracks, a little scratching, came across one small animal carcass, and found a spot that looks promising to hang a set for next year.

2011-03-27 09.06.17.jpg2011-03-27 09.05.49.jpg2011-03-27 08.55.52.jpg2011-03-27 08.55.36.jpg

This evening I grilled up some venison hot dogs to add more goodness to this day!

Here is a picture of Landon's bday cake.

Landon's 1st Bday Cake.jpg
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Baked ham, mashed taters, corn, and honey biscuits for dinner today. It was awesome! Starting to shake this cold finally, it has hit me harder than most. I think it's due to the shit I'm around at work.

Just got off the phone with Riverdude, and we will be steelhead fishing in a few days. Looking forward to hooking up with Jeff and some fish!

Life is pretty good right now.

Give em hell for me badger!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Did anybody save me a slice of the cake?

Here's a good one for TOO... we opened up with a win today, 6-2, in frigid Mingo Junction. Our senior lefty fanned 8. We are back in action tomorrow vs. Brooke, WVa. They are an experienced team and can hit the ball pretty well. I hope it warms up. I froze today!


Well-Known Member
Did anybody save me a slice of the cake?

Here's a good one for TOO... we opened up with a win today, 6-2, in frigid Mingo Junction. Our senior lefty fanned 8. We are back in action tomorrow vs. Brooke, WVa. They are an experienced team and can hit the ball pretty well. I hope it warms up. I froze today!

Congrats on the win!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Happy belated Birthday Landon! Awesome looking cake.

Congrats on the win Mike!

Lots of good things in life to be thankful for. Family & friends being right there at the top of the list. Great thread to take the time to reflect on everything positive that we all have surrounding us.

For some reason it's way too easy to overlook the simple things that really matter. I spent some time yesterday cleaning up what I mislabeled as clutter in the basement. Packed away in the clutter was a few totes of my Dad's belongings that I haven't gone through in a while. He passed away a few years back, and while I think about him everyday, I haven't really sat down and thought about it in terms of what my kids will miss out on, growing up without a Grandpa. The time spent looking over old pictures and such made me think about trying each day to be a better Dad, and better all around person. It also made me think about making the most out of each day we have, and that's definitely a good thing. Life is good.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Thanks for the birthday wishes for Landon guys! Unfortunately I may need to start getting involved with the TOO Weight Loss thread as a result of the cake! That translates into there is no more....

Mike, congrats on the win. Good luck tomorrow.

Sean, awesome post. I already think about and strive to be a great Dad. You see how the bond varies between parents and children from one family to the next, and it makes me think about how Landon will look up to me. I love Rodney Atkins, "watching you".


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for sharing Curran. We had a scare with my Dad 4 yrs ago at age 59. Sure makes you appreciate every day you have with them. Sat with my Dad tonight at the annual Credit Union meeting. They always have prizes and cookies/drinks or we probably wouldn't go. haha My daughter won $25 cash! That is a good thing. That and seeing some old friends.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good post Curran. In Spring of 2009 cancer was detected on the lung of my mom. It was Renal Cell that had spread from her kidney that was removed back in 91 when I was 17. She never smoked or drank but somehow ended up with this terrible disease.
So, in April of 09 she had a lobectomy (3/4 of her left Lung was removed).
Just two weeks ago she had a final PetScan. She is all clear.
My mom is as tough as they come. Raising three boys, staying married to my dad for 55 years... Life is good!

I often thought about my kids losing their grandmother during this time... Especially my daughter who is so close to her. Thankfully we've been given more time with her.


Staff member
I have a constant fear that my future children will miss out on a grandparent or two. With my mom's cancer scare back in '06, you just never know when her time will come. My old man is fairly healthy, but I know he's under a ton of stress and doesn't take the best care of himself. I just hope my selfishness in no wanting kids doesn't result in my kids missing grandparents or my parents never seeing their grandkids...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well this morning I woke up, all my limbs moved and worked fine when I told them to. I could see the sun rise when I opened my eyes. I could hear the dog and cat playing in the dining room. Both kids off to school. Kissed my wife goodbye as I walked out the door to go to work. It sounds like I am having a better day than 85% of the population of the planet.

Try and live life not taking the little things for granted.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Talked to Grandpa today for an hour and a half on my drive back home. Already have plans for taking the kids fishing & setting jugs for turtles this summer. Life is good!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Just got off the phone with a buddy of mine that is an old friend. He has raced, ridden, and worked on motorcycles his whole life. Retired teacher and still coaches track and cross country. I grew up riding motorcycles with him, my Dad, and all their buddies and their buddy's kids (my age bracket). He is going to come over soon and help me get the ol' 1974 Norton Commando fired up for the spring. Those old British bikes can be cantankerous. Sure helps to have the knowledge he has to provide when working on a bike like this! I have ridden the bike, but not in the last 2 years. Looking forward to riding the ol' girl with binoculars on my neck this summer and fall scouting for deer!