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What's good TOO?


Senior Member
Athens County
This one isnt to heart warming but pretty funny.

Got up this morning and ran to the gas station to get my chick one of those "mocha" in a can drinks. Liquid crack.

Well me and this guy hit the door to go in to the gas station at the same time. He opened it up and kind of gestured me to walk in. I'm not a fan of people holdin doors for me so I did one of those "no, you go head", the dude insisted, I did another one of those "no, go head".

Then he says "Dont fugg it up, I'm trying to be nice" :smiley_crocodile:

Good way to start the day


Dignitary Member
Staff member
This one isnt to heart warming but pretty funny.

Got up this morning and ran to the gas station to get my chick one of those "mocha" in a can drinks. Liquid crack.

Well me and this guy hit the door to go in to the gas station at the same time. He opened it up and kind of gestured me to walk in. I'm not a fan of people holdin doors for me so I did one of those "no, you go head", the dude insisted, I did another one of those "no, go head".

Then he says "Dont fugg it up, I'm trying to be nice" :smiley_crocodile:

Good way to start the day

lmao.. Sounds like something i might say.. I have southern manners, but short patience.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
This one isnt to heart warming but pretty funny.

Got up this morning and ran to the gas station to get my chick one of those "mocha" in a can drinks. Liquid crack.

Well me and this guy hit the door to go in to the gas station at the same time. He opened it up and kind of gestured me to walk in. I'm not a fan of people holdin doors for me so I did one of those "no, you go head", the dude insisted, I did another one of those "no, go head".

Then he says "Dont fugg it up, I'm trying to be nice" :smiley_crocodile:

Good way to start the day

LOL that's funny!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I think Daisy and Molly are enjoying life TOO.

Did you used to have 3 dogs? Cause it looks like the one ate it....LOL


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Well, I've been wanting to build a small storage building out back to keep the ATV and Lawn Tractor in, as well as store some odd junk from the house. I had been putting it off since we already had a small 8x10 metal building to keep the equipment in out of the weather. Last Thursday, the building got moved up on the priority list when the bad winds ripped the metal building up and blew it 75 yards across the yard and wrapped it around a couple trees.


How is this good you ask? Well, this means I get to build me a workshop/shed sooner than expected! Thank God for wind storms! lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Holy windy Greg! Have fun building the new one! Just remember, no matter how big you make it, you will wish you had made it a tad bigger as soon as you start to put stuff in it!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
We have plans on building a garage after the wife is done with school, this is just a temporary solution for the time being. Just an extra place to store all my junk.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Last Sunday was good.

My kids are adults (27 and 25) and their grandfather (my ex-father in law) has congestive heart failure, on oxygen, and doesn't have long left on this side of the grass. My daughter was over a while back and burst into tears telling me this news - she felt guilty about not having been to see him and wanted to go, but their relationship has been kind of rocky (she had a wild streak in her teens and he was kind of a judgmental ass about it, on top of being kind of an ass anyway) and she was scared to go by herself. So I told her I'd go with her and we'd do it together.

Turned out to be a good visit. Then I took her out for dinner afterwards at Chilis, and we ended up staying there from 6 till 10 (closing), sharing adult beverages and adult conversation, and sharing some family history with her. A lot of information was shared and understanding gained (in both directions).
My daughter and I have always been close, but Sunday was a day that deepened the relationship.

It's great when even at 27, I'm still Daddy.
That's TOO good.:smiley_coolpeace:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That is powerful Dan! I hope I can maintain a strong relationship with my children as they grow up. Right now I am still "Daddy" and invincible to them. In a few years, they will hate me. hahaha

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Awesome Dan! I'm on the other side of that stick, being 24 my father and I have just recently gotten to the point where he will stop down to my garage and have some beers and watch the game or throw darts... I wouldn't trade that for anything!

And Phil... don't worry... the "I hate you" stage is just temporary!! :smile:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Drake. I remember when I started liking my parents again. I was 18yrs old and met my Drill Sargent. lmao Suddenly, I missed home!


Staff member
Lots of good in here guys!!! Good stuff Dan!!!

I was in a funk most of the winter, but I feel I'm coming out of it now. I'm hitting my stride professionally and personally right now. I just hope I can keep the train rolling...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Here's one from a few weeks ago. I went to my daughter's preschool for Daddy's night. In the hallway there were pictures that all the kids drew, and below the pictures were these little summaries about each of the kids' Dad. The teachers asked the kids a bunch of questions, and then put the answers together in the form of a paragraph. Funny thing is, she got everything pretty much right on, with the exception of my age, I still have a few more years before I hit 40. Here's my daughter's...