Bad news for the quad riders. Just heard that the Creek trail is getting shut down. I'm not sure how much truth there is to this and time will tell, but some guys posted up pics of state signs at the trail heads. You know, those signs that say no quads, horses, etc...
I guess part of the problem was, right after our trip down there, somebody had a jeep breakdown and they left it overnight. Sometime during the night some yay-hoo set it on fire. Of course, that drew unneeded attention to the area. The state own the trailheads and never fussed much about it until that happened. This would be the area where dropped down in from the railroad tracks and the are that we dropped in from last year off of Pine Point (down the steep hill).
I've been riding that creek bottom for over 20 years. Sure sucks to lose it as an option if this is all true.