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What's good TOO?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
That's one to hold on to Sean. Display it at her high school graduation party.

Definitely. The wife & I were talking about getting a plastic tote for each one of the kids & keeping stuff like this in there. That way we'll have all those things, and don't lose 'em over the years.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Definitely. The wife & I were talking about getting a plastic tote for each one of the kids & keeping stuff like this in there. That way we'll have all those things, and don't lose 'em over the years.

That is a great idea, and you absolutely MUST do that.
I didn't, and wish now that I had.
The things that I do still have are dear to me.
Don't procrastinate on this one.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I am going to start doing that Sean. Thanks for the idea. We just had donuts with Dad at my kids pre-school. There were some doosies on the board....here was mine.


  • donutswithdad.jpg
    95.5 KB · Views: 313


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am stuffed! Went up to Findlay tonight to the Outback with my wife's brother, sister, and their spouses. Gorged myself on my meal, ate half my wife's and then we finished up at Coldstone Creamery! I ate like a king tonight and it was awesome! We don't treat ourselves like that too often so it was really nice. Going to finish checking out TOO and head to bed. Maybe my good night will continue! wink wink Up at 7am tomorrow to head to an auction. Hope to find some deals.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Met up with Curran yesterday and picked up some deer burger to drop off for my friend and her daughter. They couldn't have been more happy with the donation :D.

Thanks again Curran

I'm so happy Adam got us some deer meat!!! Our freeze had a melt down & we lost all our meat! =( But thanks to Adam and the other rednecks out there we will b having deer burgers tomorrow! Yippee… Thanks again!!!!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Went to an auction today. Bought 3 Brushguards for the front of trucks for $125. Sold one for $75 within 5min of winning the bid! Came home with most of my money too!

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Here's one from a few weeks ago. I went to my daughter's preschool for Daddy's night. In the hallway there were pictures that all the kids drew, and below the pictures were these little summaries about each of the kids' Dad. The teachers asked the kids a bunch of questions, and then put the answers together in the form of a paragraph. Funny thing is, she got everything pretty much right on, with the exception of my age, I still have a few more years before I hit 40. Here's my daughter's...

That is just awesome man!


Staff member
Good work Sean and Adam! Way to represent!!! :smiley_clap:

I had a great weekend. Got to ride a Z400 my uncle traded a horse for this weekend and had a blast doing so! Gonna hook up with Fluteman soon to get a ride in. I sure do love them sport bikes!!!

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Had a pretty productive weekend myself, me and a few buddies dropped a giant walnut tree that hangs over an alley that my neighbors park in. No longer have to worry about the walnuts hitting their vehicles and will have a lot of firewood next winter.

Had it dropped, cut, split, and stacked with beer in hand by 5:30PM. Now just got wait for buddy to bring over chipper to get rid of the brush. Glad to have that little project taken care of.


Dignitary Member
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NW Ohio Tundra
Took my son crappie fishing on Sunday afternoon and we got into the fish pretty good considering the crappy weather....ended up bringing home 21 crappies and we also caught 8 channel cats.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Took my son crappie fishing on Sunday afternoon and we got into the fish pretty good considering the crappy weather....ended up bringing home 21 crappies and we also caught 8 channel cats.

Speaking of the crappies, when does the spawning start?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Speaking of the crappies, when does the spawning start?

I've got a trip planned for early May to go down to Alum Creek for some crappies. We usually get into them pretty good that time of year.

What's good for me?... I started working out again a few weeks ago, after about 4 years off LOL! A buddy of mine invited me to work out with him 4 nights a week so I took him up on the offer. Throughout the first week and a half, I was so sore I could barely wipe my own ass! Now I feel great, though, and I'm making some good progress. I'm no where near being in the shape I was a few years ago back in college, but my goal is to be there by summer. We're hitting the weights pretty hard and running twice a week right now. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long to get back into it!!!