That is also a summer velvet pic, did you have any hard horn mature bucks hitting it?
Ok. Here is our place. This google Earth photo is 3 years old and about 1 year after it was timbered. I used it as it is a little easier to see the logging roads on. Anyway the yellow pins are approximately the corners and the orange is the logging roads/path that I opened up and mowed this year. The blue is the field that I just cleared, planted, and setup a blind on. The red dots are approximately where I have the 2 feeders with ladderstands. The lower feeder is seeing alot more use right now than the upper one. Our camper is the white rectangle that is setup in the field. My future plan is to expand the blue field some and also make a path between the 2 stands with feeders including one out to the far end of the property.
This may seem stupid but I swear I have seen more deer hit feeders in the daylight in Kentucky than about any other state I have hunted.
Eastern KY is awesome when the acorns crop is down. Pour out a bag of corn and watch them come from all over. Not exactly the same if we have a bumper crop of acorns. This year we have a bumper crop, and 50 lbs of corn is lasting me 2 weeks on the ground. The only bad thing about baiting in east Ky is the things you don't want to show up... Let one of these bull elk find your corn and it's gone in 20 min.