Natural funnels/pinch points....
inside corners of ag fields surrounded by oaks early season...
Food sources
Funnels and pinch points are my favorite. One for example on a property I hunt is a deep ditch that runs East to West through the woods and the deer travel around it. I have a stand on both ends of it.
I'd also stay away from any scents or calling. I'd say they know what that game is already. At least when it happens during daylight. I won't call unless I hear the deer doing it.
Hunting public land, I would hunt the other hunters. Set up on escape routes and sit from 10-dark. Don't be afraid to take chances and do something nobody else is.
The main property I hunt has hiking trails through it for members and guest, basically public that is privately owned. Most of the deer I kill are sneaking away/around people.
Inside corners of age Fields are a good choice as well. I wish the dark would plant sunflowers around here. I hear they are deer magnets but never had a chance to find out for myself.