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Brock and Mason... continued

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This kid thought she would make a pet out of the evenings first victim. Ha. She painted her face like an Indian and carried her little bow all evening. There is hope for this kid!


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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I hunted a fencerow stand that I set up last year in hopes of Mason killing Tines. I have not run a camera back there this year as corn has made it a royal pain to get to. I hunted it the first weekend and saw a couple before Mason called to say we had to go tracking. Tonight I saw 7 or 8, all antlerless. Some were directly under me for a time. Fun evening but no horns seen.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We had more fun tonight and did not shoot a thing. Watching deer every sit is fun. We have had a great early season. Mason saw four antlerless, I also saw them and a small buck that came directly under me. I set up in what I thought would be a decent observation stand, didn't realize I'd observe one so close!


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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Short sit tonight. Had a big doe with two fawns walk under me. It was mighty still tonight, no wind. I hate that and have never seen many deer on super calm hunts. I won't be out tomorrow or Saturday. A couple days without chasing deer...


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I've also noticed the lack of daytime movement on days with not much of a breeze. Especially in wide open spaces!

Looking forward to your next update buddy! I know we're getting closer and closer to that day when one of you knocks down a good one! Continued good luck heading your way!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Lathe, Mason and I went up to Fayette today. We all saw some deer, not many but it was awful warm. Also saw two big gobblers, which is becoming more common up there, thankfully. I saw one turkey on that farm the first 20 years I hunted it. Saw a bunch of squirrels making use of the freshly cut bean field too. I had to shoot one just because sometimes you just have to. Probably going to fish tomorrow if I have any free time. It's pretty warm to chase deer for me.


SW Ohio
Lathe, Mason and I went up to Fayette today. We all saw some deer, not many but it was awful warm. Also saw two big gobblers, which is becoming more common up there, thankfully. I saw one turkey on that farm the first 20 years I hunted it. Saw a bunch of squirrels making use of the freshly cut bean field too. I had to shoot one just because sometimes you just have to. Probably going to fish tomorrow if I have any free time. It's pretty warm to chase deer for me.


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well boys, I'm a little bummed. The other fella that knew about Tines ordered pizza today for lunch. He asked if I had seen him or had pics of him yet this year. Sadly, I do not. He said he thinks he is dead as he has not had him on camera either. I had really hoped he was hanging out on that guy's place as it was a favorite summer time haunt for him. I'm afraid he might be gone for good. That's OK, I guess, as it was a heck of a lot of fun chasing him for the last couple of years. Time to put it behind us completely and kill a couple of bucks that trip our triggers. Look out wily whitetails, I'm ready to start shooting...