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The Tale of Thee 870...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Awesome stories! I love it and makes me think about all the great time I have had hunting!

Building memories...but what good are they if you don't bring them to life every now and then. All these things that are so bad at the time turn out to be funny and good times with a little time behind them. These are also the stories that come up around the deer camp campfire, no one gives a shit about a buck you killed...it's the ones you missed they want to hear about! Lmao


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Ok dammit Dave I'm going to tell my first deer kill story that happened with my 870. It was back in 1992 and we were hunting my buddies future in-laws farm in defiance county. It started out with five hunters three of which shoot deer on Monday the opener. The next day me and the other buddy that didn't get one drive back for day two. Around 9:30 I here a shot on the other side of the woods so I head over to see what happened. I find my buddy standing over a six pointer that he shot and is happy as hell. I remember walking back to my spot depressed that everyone got a deer but me. I'm sitting there and all of a sudden five does come running out of the woods. I shoulder the 870 and pull the trigger and one drops. I can't believe what just happened and all of a sudden it gets up and runs back into the woods. I'm like what the fuck and run out into the cut bean field looking for blood and can't find any. My buddy shows up and asks did you shoot one and I say yeah I knocked it down but there's no blood. He says what do you mean there's blood right here going I to the woods and there's your deer laying there. I was obviously in a panic attack lol. I did it I finally killed a animal that I have started hunting ten years before that day. I'm happy and excited and it's time to put my tag on her. I get my buck 105 sheath knife that I sharpened for like a week lol. I grab a ear and go to poke a hole in it. The blade breaks through the ear and the whole length of the edge runs right down the side of my index finger. I about throw up and my buddy's say you got her and now she got you lol. From then on the curse was broke and the 870 started filling deer tags. I'll never give hunting up!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
I had one of those Mexican style bandolier shell holders that held 25 slugs and I have 24 left so I'm thinking I got enough slugs to last years since it only took one to kill my first. The next season I had fifteen emptys laying on the ground before I got my second deer a doe lol. Now I know why the DNR only wants three in the mag. The third season I'm standing in the same woods looking over the same field and decided look on the other side of a treeline. Here comes this monster doe full blast I pull up on her like she's a big rabbit and shoot. She slides like Pete rose going to second base. I walk up to her amazed that I dropped her and then see where I hit. The slug went through about two inches in front of where the tail is attached to the body. Almost shot it off and it killed her dead as a stone. Must of been shock on the spine or something.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
The next day I shoot my first buck a 8 pointer that I got mounted with the 870 with one shot but he was walking so the first four deer I killed with that gun were on the move. No time to think and plan a shot on one that would just be standing there. Thanks for not caring about the highjacking your thread. It's great going way back and remembering the first ones!


Senior Member
good stuff, fellas. lol...

Giles, I hope you have better mojo with your .22 or Lefty is gonna get real pissy real fast. he might bite your ass if you ain't droppin' some rats on his head. rotflmao
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
good stuff, fellas. lol...

Giles, I hope you have better mojo with your .22 or Lefty is gonna get real pissy real fast. he might bite your ass if you ain't droppin' some rats on his head. rotflmao

Lefty can eat a bag of dicks! I was just gonna take a shotgun, I've got another 870...it has a lot better luck. I'm not sure I even own a .22 that cycles as it should...I think they are all broke, I'll have to look around.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Not an 870 story but a 500 story, I archery hunted from 88-94 before heading out for a gun season, I had a mossberg 500 12ga I used for rabbit hunting back then, it didn't have a slug barrel but a guy I worked with upgraded his smooth bore for a rifled Barrel and I gave hi 50 for the Barrel, sighted it in and went hunting.... Opening day was brisk, heavy frost and I didn't make it back to my stand as it was just too noisy to finish the walk... Found a dead fall and sat down on it clearing a spot on the ground about 3' dia. It was probably a half hour before legal shooting time and I just soaked it all in, nervous about gun hunting and hoping too see something..... About legal shooting time I hear crunching foot steps, a few steps then a minute or so until a few more.... The main trunk was too my left and I had good views from the front and too the left, right was my weakness in that spot.... But the footsteps kept coming.... I had the gun up to my shoulder but pointed to the ground, I finally leaned all the way back to look around the tree and all I saw was a deers ass.... l leaned forward and shouldered the gun, aimed for the trunk of the tree and waited.... Seemed like it took 5 minutes for it too move again and with the safety off, sighted for the side of the tree it should show up on and waited.... Finally it took a few steps, head exposed, front shoulder exposed and bam, hit it semi quartering away and knocked it off its feet and on too its back where it kicked and rolled around and jumped back up and ran away, threw two more rounds at it for good measure that did t hit their mark.... She ran into a thicket and I lost sight of her... Waited a half hour, and started tracking and 20 minutes later there she laid....
First shotgun deer and it's a good nanny doe.... I've taken lots of doe with shotgun/muzzle loader but that one stands out the most....



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Lefty can eat a bag of dicks! I was just gonna take a shotgun, I've got another 870...it has a lot better luck. I'm not sure I even own a .22 that cycles as it should...I think they are all broke, I'll have to look around.
You should just buy an old Winchester 1300 Dave, maybe you'll have better luck.