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Tc Impact


Junior Member
Hey,Merry Christmas happy New Year to all, Any owners on here with the tc impact?
Thinking about picking one up,my 10 yr old cva, seems to have a trigger issue, time to retire it...
Any,all thoughts appreciated,


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Same to you man!

I have one, it'll alright. Gets the job done and hits good enough. It's no competition shooting ML by any means, but hits good enough. 3" groups with mine @125 yard shooting 3-50 gram pellets and STT red tip bullets.


Junior Member
I love the impact. I run 90 gr of BH 209 behind a 250 gr Barnes ballistic tip boat tail w/ EZ load Sabot. I read about the combo in a chuckhawks article by Randy Wakeman, and had success with it so never changed.


I do shoot a bit low a 200, so might experiment with more powder to flatten the trajectory


Junior Member
Thanks for the input,yep good article,read the same one, while the heavy snow fell here last week.
Don't want to spend a boat load of $$$, on a gun I only use 2-3 days out of a year,Iam normally tagged out,long before those dates,but the crazy warm weather in nov, then durning gun week- work schedule,just didn't happen
So it's front stuffer time!...my cva has been good to me over the yrs, but it's do to be a lamp holder or something else now
Iam not messing with the trigger now,


Junior Member
Yes! Gotta touchy,feely for sure,traditions didn't feel rite,cva only one I found was a wolf,not too bad,compact ,lite
Wanted stainless tho, tc seem to balance well,cheek was good,had a black diamond some time back,but was over bored,took it back,got the cva,now looking again,tc makes good stuff, going Friday after work, to have a gander at. That bruiser is still on my property!,thank god, he's a smart one...one last chance at him...not to keen on sitting in the woods again with the excaliber,gets cold fast
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
For a couple days a year make it fun. Get a T/C Hawkens or Renegade .50 cal and shoot real black powder with open sights. I killed a deer with mine at 130 yards with a patched round ball. Think of it like going from a compound to a recurve. Its a blast and will take you back in time with that sitting on your lap out in the snow covered woods.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck with your new purchase. Maybe go to a store and see how each feels?

Back when I was looking to buy I went and held the TC Impact - I was really hoping it would be the one but that flat triangular type fore end just didn't feel right. I really wanted to have a TC but was too cheap to buy the upper end.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
For a couple days a year make it fun. Get a T/C Hawkens or Renegade .50 cal and shoot real black powder with open sights. I killed a deer with mine at 130 yards with a patched round ball. Think of it like going from a compound to a recurve. Its a blast and will take you back in time with that sitting on your lap out in the snow covered woods.

I like your way of thinking! Actually, JohnRohio told me he is doing this exact same thing this weekend, going patch 'n' ball with his old muzzy.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
I like your way of thinking! Actually, JohnRohio told me he is doing this exact same thing this weekend, going patch 'n' ball with his old muzzy.

The new in-lines are cool and (well not new,been out for a while lol) and shoot a shitload of powder and can kill out to 200 yards plus but there is something about using the old school hawken style guns. I found out that the best powder to use is just regular FF black powder. Mine is dead nuts out to 100 yards which is all the distance i need. 90 grains with a patched round ball works great in mt T/C Renegade hunter. Its hard to pretend that your Jeremiah Johnson carrying a scoped inline with 150 grains of pellets with some new fangled bullet sitting on top lol.


Junior Member
Side locks are fun, I had a cva white tails unlimited,50cal,I bought off a work buddy, he won in a raffle
Took #11 caps, sold it early last summer,couldn't see front sight, if it would have been drilled,tapped,I would have kept it
My eyes need optics...


Junior Member
I appreciate what many are saying about patch and ball. Growing up in PA, the muzzleloader season was a flintlock only season (they now have modern muzzy season in October for anterless, but the post-Christmas flintlock season remains). Oh the deer drives we did. In particularly wet weather, the "click"..."click"..."click, swish...", re-prime, "click, swish", reprime "click, swish, BOOM"...it about drove us crazy. We had a ton of fun and filled the freezer and enjoyed it, but after years of it I certainly appreciate the conveniences of a modern muzzy! I'm sure someday I will rock the flintlock again for kicks.


Participation Trophy Winner
Dan is correct, I've had a ball this year playing with that old gun. I couldn't tell you the last time I deer hunted with any gun, let alone that old hawken. For some reason I dusted it off and chose to get it out this year for general gun season. I have yet to kill anything with it but, I'm on a mission now.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Dan is correct, I've had a ball this year playing with that old gun. I couldn't tell you the last time I deer hunted with any gun, let alone that old hawken. For some reason I dusted it off and chose to get it out this year for general gun season. I have yet to kill anything with it but, I'm on a mission now.
You bringing it this Sunday?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Back when I was looking to buy I went and held the TC Impact - I was really hoping it would be the one but that flat triangular type fore end just didn't feel right. I really wanted to have a TC but was too cheap to buy the upper end.

Dan, did you pick up a Knight? Wolverine?