Yes, no rules per se. However we talked frequently, agree not to shoot does, have similar standards on bucks and talk habitat improvement. Very informal "agreement", essentially a hand shake agreement to practice QDM...
Yes, no rules per se. However we talked frequently, agree not to shoot does, have similar standards on bucks and talk habitat improvement. Very informal "agreement", essentially a hand shake agreement to practice QDM...
You're damn right I'm grabbing them 30 frogs! I can find more ponds. Hahaha!!!!
Literally what the amish do with small pond fishing
Yes, no rules per se. However we talked frequently, agree not to shoot does, have similar standards on bucks and talk habitat improvement. Very informal "agreement", essentially a hand shake agreement to practice QDM...
The property I hunt in Tusc County that my buddy owns, he talks big game about limiting the does we harvest with the neighbors, than turns around and fills every available tag, but will get mad at neighbors for minor minor things. I guess the point of this post, is be careful of some your neighbors maybe lying or not practicing what they preach.
Jon, if I am reading this right its not the neighbors but the landowner who is being hypocritical. Like it or not, this is what I am calling to the forefront. We all want more deer, some feel they can will make a difference by their own actions and some believe given the demographics of Ohio this is best left up to the governing agency. It is clear that deer hunters as a whole are not aligned when landowners who manage and hunt their own land, allow others to hunt their land or try to persuade their neigboring landowners (neighbors) do not even follow what they preach. How is it ok to say I wont kill any does on my land but will travel to another part of the state and not hesitate to fill a tag? This is where I scratch my head and wonder how we as a collective group shouldnt be holding the agency responsible instead of thinking its OK to grow "our own little pocket". At the end of the day, its all the little pockets that make up what the agency is governing, no?
I call this "yard shitting". As in I don't want that shit in my yard but think shitting in someone else's yard is OK.