Well I got to say I love to eat deer meat don't get me wrong but what draws me to this amazing animal and sport is the thrill of the hunt . Something about being in your stand battling the extreme West Michigan winter elements and freezing your nuts off for several days and not seeing shit. I know sounds less than awesome but totally worth the pain and suffering when you see that leg move and a tail flicker from a long ways away in the oak trees that would have kept you from seeing the deer if it hadn't been the brutally cold snow u have been fighting for days. Anyone who truly loves the sport can agree the the feeling when u see that movement u have been waiting to see for days has ur heart pounding in ur throat with pure raw adrenaline and excitement even if it is a fucking button buck it is truly unexplainable to anyone who has hasent truly put forth the effort into harvesting a trophy whitetail deer. And as a 27 year old die hard whitetail fanatic the day I lose that feeling of just seeing a tail flicker or a leg move will be the day I eat cow front the grocery store fornthe rest of my life. Though meat is delicious all whitetaill fanatics will agree with me it is truly about the thrill of the hunt and sneaking up on the Phantom of the woods in his house and getting him to fuck up getting ur fix on that rush that u just can't seem to match with any of the good drugs and can't buy anywhere else. Anyone who disagrees is a fucking get novice and the typical weekend warrior pussy that shouldn't be allowed to chase these amazing creatures and anyone who disagrees can go to the grocery store and fuck around there for there food because they don't deserve to step foot in the phantoms house