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Baker Tree Stands...


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Early season it was a struggle but by November you got really good at it lol.... I'd not get all my warm clothes on until I was situated up there.... then raise up the bow.... Didn't have a hanger back in the day my first year or two just hung onto the bow the whole time lol
Yeah, that got cold lol

That's one thing I always had, a hook to screw into the tree to hang bow on.. Then I got the gizmo to bolt onto the stand to hold bow... Boy I remember sitting down on the platform during gun season.. "J' I think if we tried that now, we'd never get up.. They would find us come spring thaw.... LOL


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
That's one thing I always had, a hook to screw into the tree to hang bow on.. Then I got the gizmo to bolt onto the stand to hold bow... Boy I remember sitting down on the platform during gun season.. "J' I think if we tried that now, we'd never get up.. They would find us come spring thaw.... LOL

I'd like to think they'd at least look for us lmao.... The buzzards will circle eventually lol....

I remember attaching no skid too the stand as a film of ice would make it pretty sketchy as well lol....
The TSS had to be attached at the base of he tree with about a 15 degree upward angle so when you made it too your desired height it would be somewhat level....
First few times using it I had to make the decent after getting up there to readjust it.... Nothing worse then having it angling downward lol



Senior Member
Supporting Member
I'd like to think they'd at least look for us lmao.... The buzzards will circle eventually lol....

I remember attaching no skid too the stand as a film of ice would make it pretty sketchy as well lol....
The TSS had to be attached at the base of he tree with about a 15 degree upward angle so when you made it too your desired height it would be somewhat level....
First few times using it I had to make the decent after getting up there to readjust it.... Nothing worse then having it angling downward lol

"J' I know you had spare bolts and wing nuts in your pocket for the baker.. How many times in the dark did you drop a bolt or wing nut in the dark???
I had my favorite trees and I had the holes on the Baker and the TSS marked for each tree so when I got up to the spot I wanted.. the platform was level. No skid was definitely a good idea...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
"J' I know you had spare bolts and wing nuts in your pocket for the baker.. How many times in the dark did you drop a bolt or wing nut in the dark???
I had my favorite trees and I had the holes on the Baker and the TSS marked for each tree so when I got up to the spot I wanted.. the platform was level. No skid was definitely a good idea...

I never owned a baker, just TSS.... I knew some folks who owned them and after listening and seeing it I was a TSS fan after that.... A good friend of mine bought a all metal climber that you put the feet on the platform and sat on the seat facing the tree and that's when the newer climbers took off sometime late 90's....

Never owned one of the "new fangled" one lol.... Most of the properties I hunted back then were heavily timbered and I switched to a xbow and hunted ground blinds in the tree top piles.... After that I switched too ladder stands.... Been a fan ever since...



Junior Member
N.E. Ohio
I thought the TSS was a huge improvement over the baker. I few close calls with the baker. Luckily never had an issue with the TSS other than climbing chest bruises, the safety belt I had would have surely killed me. One big strap that looped around the tree, then you stepped into the remaining loop and snugged it up with the metal adjuster thingy. If you ever lost your footing you would have just hung by your waist :smiley_confused_sch I killed many deer from the TSS. I still have it. I also still have the safety belt I use to this day as a deer drag TOO

Just 1 More

Junior Member
Used Baker climbers back in the 80's.. Got my wrist hung in the crotch of a limb when the Baker decided to leave me.. I was able to get my legs around the tree, lift myself up enough to get my wrist out and then shimmy down.. Ended up with a dislocated wrist, bad swelling and a little scar where it peeled the skin... So Yeah.. i'm familiar whit the Baker stand lmao

Just 1 More

Junior Member
I was hunting a property in Kentucky about 5 years ago and came across a Baker stand that had been left attached to a tree at the bottom ,, it was grown in to the tree to the point you couldn't see the back blade bar,,,, I wondered if someone else had an experience like mine and decided to leave it.. or worse.. should I be looking around for old bones lmaolmao


Senior Member
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We were tougher back then lol... Took a lickin and kept on tickin.....

Mercer... Like "J" said... Don't underestimate us old men... We'd slide 20 ft. down a tree, we'd be all beat up and jump right back in the saddle and head right back up... LOL 'J" I guess it was all that lead paint in our crib's that made us the way we were... All joking aside the Baker and TSS were not all that bad... A little common sense using them and you'd get the job done... I think the biggest issue back then was safety belts. we never wore them... But who knew... One day in my Baker I was presented a shot at a gorgeous buck where I had to lean out around the tree while standing on one foot... I killed the deer and won a bear hunting trip... Thinking back.... HOW STUPID... And I hunted alone and no one knew where I hunted, not even the slightest clue. But like I said earlier: put in a pinch where I needed a climber and had either a Baker or TSS to get the job done.. I wouldn't hesitate one bit...


Junior Member
N.E. Ohio
Mercer... Like "J" said... Don't underestimate us old men... We'd slide 20 ft. down a tree, we'd be all beat up and jump right back in the saddle and head right back up... LOL 'J" I guess it was all that lead paint in our crib's that made us the way we were... All joking aside the Baker and TSS were not all that bad... A little common sense using them and you'd get the job done... I think the biggest issue back then was safety belts. we never wore them... But who knew... One day in my Baker I was presented a shot at a gorgeous buck where I had to lean out around the tree while standing on one foot... I killed the deer and won a bear hunting trip... Thinking back.... HOW STUPID... And I hunted alone and no one knew where I hunted, not even the slightest clue. But like I said earlier: put in a pinch where I needed a climber and had either a Baker or TSS to get the job done.. I wouldn't hesitate one bit...

Not me. I would hunt out of the TSS again, if I had to, but would spend the rest of my hunting days on the ground before using a baker again.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Mercer... Like "J" said... Don't underestimate us old men... We'd slide 20 ft. down a tree, we'd be all beat up and jump right back in the saddle and head right back up... LOL 'J" I guess it was all that lead paint in our crib's that made us the way we were... All joking aside the Baker and TSS were not all that bad... A little common sense using them and you'd get the job done... I think the biggest issue back then was safety belts. we never wore them... But who knew... One day in my Baker I was presented a shot at a gorgeous buck where I had to lean out around the tree while standing on one foot... I killed the deer and won a bear hunting trip... Thinking back.... HOW STUPID... And I hunted alone and no one knew where I hunted, not even the slightest clue. But like I said earlier: put in a pinch where I needed a climber and had either a Baker or TSS to get the job done.. I wouldn't hesitate one bit...

That's another nice thing these days, every one has a cell phone and most have smart phones and all the good/bad things that come with them....
Easier to find a person if something were to happen and being able too talk to fellow hunters while on stand.... They can call when you have an issue or need help to track which is a huge bonus....



Senior Member
Supporting Member
And paying the price now days just getting out of bed in the mornings lmao

Boy you got that straight... Whats worse is driving for about 8 hrs straight then stopping and getting out of the vehicle... Thank God for Advil..


Junior Member
East Ohio
Baker could not get product liability insurance after two deaths and went out of business,disposed of the corporation so there was no one to sue. Baker did make a Mighty Mite model. I wonder how many died trying to tun around and shoot.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Buy it and hang it for a display in the man cave.

Currently redoing the man cave and have intentions of getting a nice straight tree approx. 12 inches in diameter to go from the floor to the ceiling. Then plan on hanging my Baker on it and using it as a shelf.. Maybe hang a hornets nest off a tree limb.. Get the drift?
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