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S.EOhio bag limit


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Greedy sumbitches


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Junior Member
I emailed the ODNR to try and see if I can get official info...also asked them if there's anything in the works as far as an interactive public hunting map of some sort that is more helpful and informational that what's out there now. kentuckys public access online program is awesome. I'll post when I get a reply.



Junior Member
More notably, if they put a 3 deer limit in SE Ohio counties and the overall kill numbers go up, that obviously means the population is fine, right?



I thought the state was going to re-do the entire state and cut it into zones, instead of by counties. Like for example half a county might be in zone 2b and the other in zone 2a. I remember filling out a survey and providing my opinion on several different things. #notmydeerhuntingbaglimits


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
The biggest group of herd reduction happens with all you guys bragging about only killing one deer...and you guys are the ones killing the cream of the crop. So don't go out pointing fingers, you are a very big part of the problem also.

There, I finally said it. I've hinted around it a few times, but there it is. I also believe this is why we no longer have a "rut".


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hey Dave settle down,if you look back i have killed does for many yr's just choose not to do so anymore,yes the numbers aren't what they once were but their are still plenty of deer out there.
I said the guys bitching about seeing no deer that not shooting does is one way to help their area.
But seems to me alot of the guys saying the numbers are so low are having no problem filling multiple tags. Now run along and fetch Chads white whale.lol


I think Dave was being sarcastic, personally I think I am going to continue trying to get a few road kills a year and only killing 1 or two a year. This year killed 1 and watched about 50 in spitting distance.


Junior Member
N.E. Ohio
The biggest group of herd reduction happens with all you guys bragging about only killing one deer...and you guys are the ones killing the cream of the crop. So don't go out pointing fingers, you are a very big part of the problem also.

There, I finally said it. I've hinted around it a few times, but there it is. I also believe this is why we no longer have a "rut".

Do you have any science to back this up? Or any other logic?


Staff member
I have a theory on the rut and it has nothing to do with selective harvest and everything to do with increased use of crossbows and archers in general, so we could line up a pissing match right quick. lmao

But ask Mike Rex about why we don't hear as much gobbling during turkey season. That's a selective harvesting theory that makes a lot of sense.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I have a theory on the rut and it has nothing to do with selective harvest and everything to do with increased use of crossbows and archers in general, so we could line up a pissing match right quick. lmao

But ask Mike Rex about why we don't hear as much gobbling during turkey season. That's a selective harvesting theory that makes a lot of sense.
Wouldn't the increase in the coyote population have a lot to do with turkeys gobbling? I guess that could be another thread, so this one don't get hijacked.


Staff member
Wouldn't the increase in the coyote population have a lot to do with turkeys gobbling? I guess that could be another thread, so this one don't get hijacked.

Yes, but same concept. More vocal birds are easier to kill for ALL predators. Kill the gobble out of them...
The biggest group of herd reduction happens with all you guys bragging about only killing one deer...and you guys are the ones killing the cream of the crop. So don't go out pointing fingers, you are a very big part of the problem also.

There, I finally said it. I've hinted around it a few times, but there it is. I also believe this is why we no longer have a "rut".

I'll have to wholeheartedly disagree with this "nonsense". I've killed one deer in three years and it had balls. To say I, or anyone that takes a buck every few years, as they watch does and mediocre bucks walk by are hurting the herd, as much as the guy that shot 6 does in three seasons is ludicrous. To even think such a thing is beyond my comprehension.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Simple philosophy guys.

1. Reduce the population by increasing opportunity through adding tags / seasons / weapons

Once the population reaches your lower goal.

2. Reduce opportunity to stop the decline and hold the population at the now low levels

If it increases - Repeat step 1
If it holds steady - Repeat step 2.

Evaluate yearly


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I haven't seen much rutting activity the last 3-4 years but that could be that I'm just not near primary doe bedding areas. I read of a lot of hunters seeing great rutting activity but they might be in areas with better deer numbers and in better spots.

My honeyhole spot is just a travel corridor between two areas that hold deer and their both 1/2 to 3/4 mikes away on each side of me. Just got to be sitting there when a shooter comes thru. I imagine the rutting activity is going on in those areas just fine but I just don't have the access to hunt those spots.

Going to be looking to add a few other places to hunt if I can.

Dave, you lost me on that one buddy. You read that somewhere?