Anyone ever try it? I've been wanting to get a flint lock for some time now and just haven't found a "need". Sitting back this morning listening to the hens cluck kinda made me want to chase that bird. I've never had the want to chase them before this morning. So my mind started wandering…it went from "hey retard, you need a turkey gun" so I started thinking about finding an old single shot Tom Killer (or whatever they called them things) to going even more classic. Flint lock and making all my own gear.
I feel like at my age, starting a new hunting adventure needs to come with some challenges. So here I am…thinking about home made calls and building a flint lock.:smiley_blackeye:
Is this another coyote den idea? Or is this a damn cool and fun idea? I really like the old school ways of doing things but I'll probably never take a stick bow into the woods after deer. I simply don't have that kind of dedication. This project would most likely take place over a couple of years. (I'm smiling just thinking about scratching at some chunk of wood at the campground)
I feel like at my age, starting a new hunting adventure needs to come with some challenges. So here I am…thinking about home made calls and building a flint lock.:smiley_blackeye:
Is this another coyote den idea? Or is this a damn cool and fun idea? I really like the old school ways of doing things but I'll probably never take a stick bow into the woods after deer. I simply don't have that kind of dedication. This project would most likely take place over a couple of years. (I'm smiling just thinking about scratching at some chunk of wood at the campground)