That holster couldn't have pinched in a worse spot.... Bad design, bad holstering practice, who knows.... He didn't catch on until too late....
Curious- do you believe it is foolish for any of us on TOO to carry a Glock with a round chambered?
A glock that has only a trigger disconnect safety, yes it's foolish for anyone to carry in such a manner. Some law enforcement do however carry Glock in condition 0. They also carry them in level 3 or level 4 retention holsters. A level three has three retention methods. 1 is the friction of the holster itself, 2 and 3 can be any combo of a thumb release snap, pressure release, twist release, trigger finger button, etc. Basically three things are needed to release the firearm. For example pushing down on the gun flips the back strap cover forward, twisting away from the body at the same time releases the firearm, then pulling it out with a force greater than the friction retention holding it in. That's a level three retention holster. These safety mechanisms in and of themselves could be considered an external safety of the firearm that is technically in condition zero. Carrying a glock like above in condition zero in a level 1 retention holster like above is beyond foolish, irresponsible at best, and most certanly downright negligent.Curious- do you believe it is foolish for any of us on TOO to carry a Glock with a round chambered?
They make them with external safeties. Really really small hard to actuate safeties. LolDang. I was about to buy a Glock... lmao
Not the guns fault, at all. A POS holster being used by a lazy idiot.
Glock, the most carried handgun by far, like galaxies ahead, is as safe is the person carrying it.
Too lazy to stand up to reholster? Then don't carry.
The gun stays in the holster unless needed, it's not a toy. If he had to take it out because he was going into a no carry situation (.gov building) then holster while standing especially if you are using a shitty Guide Gear holster.
Safeties on carry guns are dumb. When it comes down to it most will jumble EVERYTHING in a high stress situation. Especially a small ass safety that you will forget to disengage under stress.
Unless you have thousands of draws under some sort of stress factor (time, training, physical) safeties make even less sense.
My statement was misleading I should have said 1911 perdicessors. The 1911 model aptly named for the year Colt won the US Army contract did in fact have a thumb safety. This however wasn't the first 1911 "style" pistol by Colt but an evolution of earlier designs to meet the request.The 1911 was designed with a thumb safety and the grip safety was added later by the request of the army. Quite a few 1911 shooters will pin the grip safety as it is not needed and carry condition one with a round in the chamber and the thumb safety on.
Not the guns fault, at all. A POS holster being used by a lazy idiot.
Glock, the most carried handgun by far, like galaxies ahead, is as safe is the person carrying it.
Too lazy to stand up to reholster? Then don't carry.
The gun stays in the holster unless needed, it's not a toy. If he had to take it out because he was going into a no carry situation (.gov building) then holster while standing especially if you are using a shitty Guide Gear holster.
Safeties on carry guns are dumb. When it comes down to it most will jumble EVERYTHING in a high stress situation. Especially a small ass safety that you will forget to disengage under stress.
Unless you have thousands of draws under some sort of stress factor (time, training, physical) safeties make even less sense.
I don't disagree that it's the most carried. Many models also have external safeties. If yiu remove those and remove local and foreign law enforcement and foreign militaries that carry either condition 3 with no round in the chamber, or in class 2+ retention holsters and that figure drops massively. Remove the glock fan boys and ultra paranoid "condition 0 is the only method" guys and it drops substantially more.
Lack of training and practice hardly makes a good argument for pro condition 0 carry. If anything those are the last people you want carrying at the lowest condition.
It doesn't take high stress training to effectively operate a safety under stress. It just takes training to develop muscle memory. Just as it does not take high stress training for you to waffle stomp the shit out of your brake pedal if someone pulls out in front of you. Your foot without even seeing it, and before you even think about it, knows exactly where that dang pedal it needs to stomp is. If a person can manage to develop enough muscle memory so that their index finger can instinctively find a trigger without fumbling, then their thumb can find a safety just as easily.
Dude, so much wrong in here and I don't have the time. The grenade analogy is above your level of thinking.I don't disagree that it's the most carried. Many models also have external safeties. If yiu remove those and remove local and foreign law enforcement and foreign militaries that carry either condition 3 with no round in the chamber, or in class 2+ retention holsters and that figure drops massively. Remove the glock fan boys and ultra paranoid "condition 0 is the only method" guys and it drops substantially more.
Lack of training and practice hardly makes a good argument for pro condition 0 carry. If anything those are the last people you want carrying at the lowest condition.
It doesn't take high stress training to effectively operate a safety under stress. It just takes training to develop muscle memory. Just as it does not take high stress training for you to waffle stomp the shit out of your brake pedal if someone pulls out in front of you. Your foot without even seeing it, and before you even think about it, knows exactly where that dang pedal it needs to stomp is. If a person can manage to develop enough muscle memory so that their index finger can instinctively find a trigger without fumbling, then their thumb can find a safety just as easily.
Going back to my earlier example it's like carrying a hand grenade in a special pouch with the pin pulled. Condition zero hand grenade if you will. And then when the dang thing goes off we blame the pouch. Or we try to justify it by saying in a high-stress situation you won't have the dexterity to pull the pin so let's carry it with the pin already pulled. Or a grenade manufacturer making grenades that don't have afety pins and then trying to say they're totally safe as long as you don't let go of the spoon, if you do that's your fault not the fault of the grenade It's lunacy.
Carrying a glock like above in condition zero in a level 1 retention holster like above is beyond foolish, irresponsible at best, and most certanly downright negligent.
not the guns fault, at all. A pos holster being used by a lazy idiot.
Glock, the most carried handgun by far, like galaxies ahead, is as safe is the person carrying it.
Too lazy to stand up to reholster? Then don't carry.
The gun stays in the holster unless needed, it's not a toy. If he had to take it out because he was going into a no carry situation (.gov building) then holster while standing especially if you are using a shitty guide gear holster.
Safeties on carry guns are dumb. When it comes down to it most will jumble everything in a high stress situation. Especially a small ass safety that you will forget to disengage under stress.
Unless you have thousands of draws under some sort of stress factor (time, training, physical) safeties make even less sense.
Dude, so much wrong in here and I don't have the time. The grenade analogy is above your level of thinking.
It seems that the training that effected you most (military) is dug in pretty deep. That line of thinking is not used in law enforcement or ANY citizen carry courses.
Retention in law enforcement is there so baddies don't steal their guns. It has other benefits (in LEO) but that is the main purpose.
I know of no department that doesn't carry loaded, ready to rock. Now you can throw all kinds of foreign agencies in, but they do pertain to the true discussion.
Wanna utilize a safety? Go for it but you better be trained up.