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Expensive Lease...


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
No reason to add injury to insult. Some people are getting rich selling heroin right now, doesn't mean I should jump on the wagon. Is it because I think hard drugs are wrong, probably.

Look, I've got nothing against the land owner making some money. I've got problems with the middle man, that dudes a fucking dick and only does it for the money. He doesn't give a damn about the current or future hunters, only the mighty dollar. That's the problem IMO. See what I mean Joe?

If it's a legal deal it's just a good business plan to make money. The good old American way and nothing wrong with it. Some hunters don't have the time to find a hunting site or the know how to find so enter the guys who lease out hunting property.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
If it's a legal deal it's just a good business plan to make money. The good old American way and nothing wrong with it. Some hunters don't have the time to find a hunting site or the know how to find so enter the guys who lease out hunting property.

And making money on hunting will continue to take its toll on it. That dollar isn't worth it to me. People talk about the good old days with plenty of deer, I talk about the good old days when we had a good time with our fellow neighbors and hunting brothers.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
If it's a legal deal it's just a good business plan to make money. The good old American way and nothing wrong with it. Some hunters don't have the time to find a hunting site or the know how to find so enter the guys who lease out hunting property.

MK... I agree 100%.. If I lived in Ohio I'd have the spare time to go knock on doors and research areas and I'd get access to hunt private property.. But living 6 to 8 hours away depending on what part of Ohio we are talking about it gets time consuming and expensive. Here is where the middle man enters the picture.. I don't mind giving him a finders fee when hes saving me $$$$ and allowing me time to do other things other than spending a weekend on a road trip that turns up nothing.. In the long run its a win win situation for me.. BUT.. Some are getting greedy in this business and want more and more and MORE... They are not satisfied in just a fair share...


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
And making money on hunting will continue to take its toll on it. That dollar isn't worth it to me. People talk about the good old days with plenty of deer, I talk about the good old days when we had a good time with our fellow neighbors and hunting brothers.

Sure. But the good old days I remember there was NO deer. So going through that time period I still feel the good days are now and just I'm old.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
MK... I agree 100%.. If I lived in Ohio I'd have the spare time to go knock on doors and research areas and I'd get access to hunt private property.. But living 6 to 8 hours away depending on what part of Ohio we are talking about it gets time consuming and expensive. Here is where the middle man enters the picture.. I don't mind giving him a finders fee when hes saving me $$$$ and allowing me time to do other things other than spending a weekend on a road trip that turns up nothing.. In the long run its a win win situation for me.. BUT.. Some are getting greedy in this business and want more and more and MORE... They are not satisfied in just a fair share...

I for one don't feel it's greedy. If someone thinks it's too high a price then walk away and find something to your liking. Maybe a fair share price is too low in some minds. Most of the time these too high of price leases are sold out. So it must not be too high for some and just too high for others.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
And making money on hunting will continue to take its toll on it. That dollar isn't worth it to me. People talk about the good old days with plenty of deer, I talk about the good old days when we had a good time with our fellow neighbors and hunting brothers.

Dave... I hear ya on this... When I started hunting in Western Pa. there were no boundaries, we would walk out our back door and walk for miles and miles hunting and no one cared... Its just the way it was... This was THE GOOD OLD DAYS... No more everyone is out to make a buck. Hunting has become BIG BUSINESS.. That almighty dollar has become the downfall of many things...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I for one don't feel it's greedy. If someone thinks it's too high a price then walk away and find something to your liking. Maybe a fair share price is too low in some minds. Most of the time these too high of price leases are sold out. So it must not be too high for some and just too high for others.

MK... I'm going to disagree with you on this... It's plain greed when a someone wants you to pay a fee just to look at property.Then still getting a fair share when they lease it to you. A little extreme, don't you think? And I'm one for always taking care of someone that helps me. I've had real estate people keep an eye out for property for me and not come up with anything.. Do I forget them?? No.. I make it a point to stop in when I'm in the area and thank them personally.. And I usually bring a box of candy, something to say THANK'S... I'm one for not complaining about paying for a sevice...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Frank, my comments are based on emotion. I wasn't even going to comment until I was brought up. I understand business. This subject just really upsets me. I hate the selfish way of thinking. Kids of tomorrow will not know the meaning of putting food on the table. It is no longer a poor mans past time or family tradition. Greed of fellow hunters and business men have ruined it.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Giles no problem. My comments where not of emotions. Just a good business plan. The open market sets the price and if it's too high of a price for someone just walk away and in my mind don't blame it on greed. Also in my mind if these too high of leases prices all are sold then really the price isn't set too high. Just too high for some.
It still is a poor man's past time as they just have to adjust to the market and find a so called poor man's area to hunt.
What is the percentage of leased land now? I would say it's very low overall so there's still plenty of land available. Just has to be located.
I'm out of here on this one.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Frank, my comments are based on emotion. I wasn't even going to comment until I was brought up. I understand business. This subject just really upsets me. I hate the selfish way of thinking. Kids of tomorrow will not know the meaning of putting food on the table. It is no longer a poor mans past time or family tradition. Greed of fellow hunters and business men have ruined it.

If you understand business then you also understand for something to have value there must be demand. When demand surpasses supply then value increases. Its not greed if the price is what the market will bear.

Leasing didn't kill the good ole days of free permission. In most cases hunters did. For decades we've been losing access to private property like crazy. Demand exists because the good ole days are just that, the past. I would love to return to the days of my childhood where I could walk out my back door and hunt for as far as I could walk because every landowner welcomed it. Those days are long gone. Not because people suddenly became animal lovers in droves but mostly because they grew to dislike hunters. The people leasing or brokering leases didn't create the scarcity they exist because of it.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
For example. The season before last in mid-october I sent a guy a text and asked if he knew of any property for lease. I did so because the land owner of the property that I had hunted on for years would give permission to anyone who knocked on his door. This resulted in my camera getting stolen, my camera lens getting covered up with leaves and other things, people hunting a ladder stand that I had set up for my nephew and I, and just a bunch of other BS. He put me into contact with a gentleman who had just bought a parcel right down the road from his house and was looking to lease it. He also owned 250 Acres around his house that he allowed four guys to hunt on for free. Seeing as it was already three weeks into the season I asked him if those guys at hunted the place. He told me they hadn't and this would be their last season hunting his placce because he was tired of their shit. His words.

With the baby on the way I did not least the place this year. The first week of season I had a friend text me and asked if I wanted a partner on the lease. I asked what was up and he said that the previous place he had permission to hunt he land owner kicked everyone off. See it was a tree farm owned by a couple different people. One had given him permission and he hunted it for a couple of years, another person ask permission and was told no. He then went on to cause issues with the other owners because the one owner would not let him hunt too. The end result is the landowners kicked everyone off and there is no longer hunting allowed.

On all three properties the problem was hunters themselves. Two of the properties ended up being closed to Hunters and the last one is well on its way to getting closed. In contrast I had a wonderful season on the property at leased, I got to take my wife my nephew and my family out to have an enjoyable time. It was completely unmolested by assholes, and my stands and cameras were never messed with.

It was almost like returning to the good old days you speak of where you can hunt with friends and family and enjoy your time Outdoors


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Joe you stated everything correctly as I also see it. That's the reason 1991 when i bought my farm I decided no one except family hunted here. I just don't need the possible problems caused by outsiders.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I understand business...I've said that. I've also stated that my post are about emotion. I don't need examples for me to understand what is happening. I know what is going on and it breaks my heart to know that my grandkids are fucked if I don't buy more property to pass down to them.

To me, hunting has nothing to do with money. If you can't see or understand that, I can't help you. We ain't even in the same book.

It is what it is and it's going to happen. I hate it and won't support it. I've said my part and will continue to stay out of these until poked.

Good luck in your search, Rich. I hope you find exactly what you are looking for. Sorry for all the derailing and my ranting.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Dave.. Thanks.. If I find something thats great.. If I dont then I definately wont lose any sleep over it. I have a good thing going in Illinois and am happy with that... I can be thankfull that I lived in some terrific times when hunting was not big business. Seeing what I see today I feel bad for you guys that have kids and see the future of hunting. Not such a bright future...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I understand business...I've said that. I've also stated that my post are about emotion. I don't need examples for me to understand what is happening. I know what is going on and it breaks my heart to know that my grandkids are fucked if I don't buy more property to pass down to them.

To me, hunting has nothing to do with money. If you can't see or understand that, I can't help you. We ain't even in the same book.

It is what it is and it's going to happen. I hate it and won't support it. I've said my part and will continue to stay out of these until poked.

Good luck in your search, Rich. I hope you find exactly what you are looking for. Sorry for all the derailing and my ranting.

I totally understand where your coming from giles and share the same sentiment. It sucks for sure and I'd love nothing more than to have the old days back. What hunting has become today is a travesty compared to the simpler times. I think the only area where we differ is my willingness to say "shits gonna happen regardless so I might as well turn a profit".



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I totally understand where your coming from giles and share the same sentiment. It sucks for sure and I'd love nothing more than to have the old days back. What hunting has become today is a travesty compared to the simpler times. I think the only area where we differ is my willingness to say "shits gonna happen regardless so I might as well turn a profit".

Why not start a nonprofit website for landowners to be able to fully understand leasing themselves? Why do you have to make money? That's the difference in mindset...

Cut out the middle man and let them lease it. A place to gather all information from both sides. Make it easier for everyone. We have enough to fight already...
Why not start a nonprofit website for landowners to be able to fully understand leasing themselves? Why do you have to make money? That's the difference in mindset...

Cut out the middle man and let them lease it. A place to gather all information from both sides. Make it easier for everyone. We have enough to fight already...

The middle man does perform a service here and does have work involved. Why shouldn't he make a commission?

Like you Giles, I do miss the old days, but it isn't coming back at least anytime soon.
I guess to me I see the middle man being very similar to a real estate agent. Do you need one to buy or sell a piece of property? Absolutely not, but they do all the leg work of advertising, financing, answering questions, etc. It requires less work for the buyer and seller.

Also the middle man here does have risk as well since if his contracts aren't written correctly with both the buyer and/or seller then he could be financially liable. If I was going to do it, I would make sure to consult with a lawyer for the agreements and would also make sure to carry adequate insurance.

Even in PA which isn't a destination state for whitetails, there is alot of leases popping up. Mostly because of the reasons mentioned above.