Guys, hunt clubs/groups is not a bad thing.
Leasing isin't a bad thing.
One thinking he/she is entitled to hunt where ever is a bad thing.
I came to ohio on a lease thru a broker, started to getting to know the landowners around the area i hunt, they would not allow any locals to hunt their properties.
When I started talking about hunting every owner I have, asked where i was from.
Once they found out I was from out of state they got interested in leasing.
I only asked one landowner about his land for lease, kinda reluctlant aproching that subject as he had said he did'nt allow no one to hunt his property.
After leasing and sitting and talking with him and his father, I ask why he didn't allow anyone to hunt his piece(quote, out of his mouth, said the locals didn't respect his wishes, he would allow one to hunt then before long there would be people that he had no idea who they were).
As i said I don't go looking for leases, All but one track I was approached about a lease from the owners.
The last track I gained I was at a small store drinking coffee and a guy ask if I was interested in a farm to hunt. Of coarse I said, Ok lets take a ride, leave your truck here and ride with me, he said, after a half a day of riding and introducing me to family the day was done.
Gained that farm.
So sometimes it's the hunters weather it be family or friends, that will screw it up for others.
I still get offers to lease land but turn some down because i can't hunt but so much, that where some ask if i can find someone to sub-lease their land to.
I don't advertize to lease or sub-lease, I don;t do a large mark-up on the properties that i sub-lease, just enough to cover the cost of insurance and doing the paperwork for the landowners.
Most landowners don't want to deal with the aggreavation of hunting.
By the way the last farm i leased, the family said no one was allowed to hunt in there, after walking the property it was evident that it was being hunted, by the son-n-law and about 8 of his buddies.