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Team 11


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Sounds like a couple of my teammates had a great opening day.

I caught an early morning flight to Toronto. Head to Montreal early tomorrow morning for Tues/Wed and then Halifax, NS for Thurs/Fri. Likely won't make it out till Monday (assuming the rain forecast changes in my favor).


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Huntn2... Have a safe trip... Kevin good luck.. Raining here.. I dont hunt in the rain.. Lol Took the wife to the drs. And did see another bear in someones yard on the way.. Back at it in the am...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I went out first thing this am thinking birds would fly down where they normally have been .... & they did not. I didn't hear any fly downs at all. Around 6:45, I started hearing some clucking to the north about 200 yards. I thought for sure it was another hunter because those clucking's sounded horrendous. Soon after, I started hearing a few gobbles coming from the same area. I was told one time that one of the houses in somewhat that area had some pet turkeys, so I didn't know for sure what to think. Soon, I spied a buck down in the woods with nice velvet working his was between me & the clucks with no concern, so I figured it had to be real. He soon came up and cut across the gas line about 150 yrds out. I decided to make a move towards the turkeys & they all stopped . About 100 yards & trying the box call, I was kicking myself. I decided to go back since my decoy was still in place. After I sat down, I had 3 deer literally come across the gas line, into my lap. I think they were coming down to where my mineral block had been .... I moved it to a stump yesterday with a cam watching over it. I have a video of that encounter. After they left, I sat for another hour with no turkeys. I decided to go home, since I had a meeting to go to later on & as I was preparing to leave, the clucking started back up. I then made to decision to make a stab for the turkeys on a different path.
After doing all that, I ended up sitting on a stump to listen to the clucking's, since I was still thinking it as another hunter. Soon, a lone hen came down a path & she was in-between me & those clucking's. I was laughing that if only that hunter knew there was a hen just down from him, when a tom started to gobble , so I then knew for sure that was no hunter. I eventually made it up where I could get some gobbling action. I ended up have a few jakes come in that I could see & then the woods exploded with gobbles responding to my box & slate calling. There were hens clucking too. Nothing came in close & I never did see the toms, but I had them so riled up that I could easily hear them fanning & strutting, but I just couldn't reel them in. They were no more that 40 yards out & would not commit to coming up over the rise. This went on for an hour when I looked over and saw a deer watching me. She never did spook & just like a light switch, those toms & hens never made another sound. Ughhhh !
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Junior Member

He came in with another bird and he was the first to poke his head out from behind the briar patch. 22lbs, 9 and half inch beard and 1 and an 8th inch spurs. My dad thinks its an old bird 4 or 5 years old.