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I'm considering purchasing a AR 15 and I'm currently debating between the Smith & Wesson M&P 15 and the Ruger AR... I like the fact that Ruger AR-556 is made in the USA but don't want to sacrifice quality. Any suggestions? Thanks!
PSA has upper and lowers complete for less then a lot of assembled guns...
Yep, AR's just like most rifles are all about the barrel and trigger.
Couple things...a barrel with a free floating handguard is "generally" more apt to be accurate, easier.
Even basic AR'S usually shoot pretty well with decent ammo. Mil-spec ammo (m855 and m193) generally doesn't shoot real accurate groups (3" @ 100).
Yeah, mine are all under 1" shooters with reloads. Barrels have improved drastically especially considering how "inexpensive" they can be while still being uber accurate.All our AR's have free float forearms and used high quality ammo (reloads). All will still shoot sub 1 inch 5 shot groups at 100 yds after 8-10K rounds. We always had our barrels chamber throats reamed short so as we shot more rounds we could seat the bullets out further and still fit OAL for magazines.
On a good 1-2 week PD hunt I would shoot 4-800 rounds per day and only cleaned every evening. All our AR barrels are frozen and used lubed bullets. Either graphit or a special racing oil additive called Fastex. If bolt got sticky we just sprayed down with WD-40 oil and kept shooting. Never wore anything out.
I love assembling parts to make rifles. So much fun.